5-13/160.20 Inmate Possession of Legal Documents

All inmates in Custody Division facilities shall be permitted to maintain exclusive possession of personal legal documents at all times (e.g., mealtimes, en route to court, recreation, discipline, etc.) unless possession poses an articulable hazard to jail operations or security. Possession of legal documents shall be limited to that amount of material which can be carried within three (3) legal folders or containers, not to exceed 11 inches by 15 inches by 6 inches.  

Inmates proceeding Propria Persona (Pro Per) often amass a large quantity of legal material which cannot be carried on their person. Since these inmates are housed in single person cells, which are locked upon their departure, their legal material is afforded optimum security from intrusion by other inmates.  

While away from their housing locations, Pro Per inmates are also restricted to possession of only that quantity of legal materials which can be carried within three (3) folders or containers as described above. Exceptions to this restriction may apply when the Pro Per inmate is en route to the law library, a legal visit, or to court.