5-13/160.05 Law Library

Inmate law libraries are maintained at Central Jail, Twin Towers Correctional Facility-Tower II, and the North County Correctional Facility. The use of the law library is limited to Propria Persona (Pro Per) inmates, or others with a need to have an on-going access to a law library. Inmates requesting basic legal materials shall be referred to the legal materials maintained at their facility by the Inmate Services Unit. Staff shall assist inmates in accessing the library material and should try to meet the inmate's needs without unnecessary transfer. Legal reference materials are not to leave the inmate law libraries, and usage is to be supervised to prevent destruction and theft of the material.  

All inmates requesting access to the law library, or to legal materials not maintained at their facility, shall be instructed to complete the "Inmate's Request to Use Law Library" form, (refer to the "Forms" appendix). Inmates may file an unlimited number of the "Inmate's Request to Use Law Library" form. However, inmates may not file more than one form at a time. Each request will be processed in the order they are received. Any inmate who desires additional access must file a subsequent request. Each facility, excluding the Inmate Reception Center, shall develop procedures for distribution, collection, and review of the request forms. The completed forms shall be promptly transmitted via facsimile to the Central Jail legal staff for review.  

Inmates requesting access to one of the law libraries, or to legal materials, shall be afforded "reasonable" access to satisfy their needs as stated in the "Inmate's Request to Use Law Library" form. This may be accomplished by providing copies of the material requested or by allowing the inmate access to legal materials. Inmates granted Pro Per status by a court shall be afforded all privileges consistent with the "Superior Court Pro Per Policy Memorandum." Inmates granted Pro Per status shall be immediately transferred to a facility with a main law library.  

The legal staff shall be responsible for maintaining records concerning all inmates requesting to use the law library. These records shall include the "Inmate's Request to Use Law Library" form, documentation concerning access to materials provided the particular inmate, and all other records concerning the inmate's Pro Per status or use of legal materials. The legal units for Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF) and North County Correctional Facility (NCCF) will maintain their own records, Men's Central Jail (MCJ) legal unit will maintain the records for MCJ and all other custody facilities.