5-13/115.00 Out of Cell Time

Although additional out of cell time is strongly encouraged for inmate programs whenever possible, inmates shall be afforded no less than that required by Title 15 minimum standards. All out of cell time shall be recorded in the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL).

High Observation Housing

Custody personnel shall offer out-of-cell time to all inmates housed in High Observation Housing (HOH). Absent exceptional circumstances, and unless individually clinically contraindicated and documented in the inmate's electronic medical record, all inmates housed in HOH shall be offered ten hours of unstructured out-of-cell recreational time per week. Additionally, jail mental health staff shall offer ten hours of structured therapeutic or programmatic time per week, for a total of twenty offered hours of out-of-cell time per inmate (Refer to Jail Mental Health Services policy 70.2.1 Mental Health Treatment Programs).

Custody personnel shall document all out-of-cell time, both structured and unstructured, as well as any refusals by inmates who decline to participate in programming offered by custody personnel or mental health personnel. Custody personnel who have been issued iPods and are assigned to HOH modules shall use the device as a primary means of documenting and recording out-of-cell time. If the iPod is non functional, due to equipment/network failure, custody personnel from the respective HOH area shall revert to entering activity times in the e-UDAL directly, submit a request through e-UDAL Help Desk, and document the issue and request into the assigned e-UDAL.


"Clinically Contraindicated" means a clinical decision was made by a Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP) that a particular inmate would not benefit from an activity or program.

"Unstructured out of cell recreation" is provided by custodial staff. There is no real structure; inmates are provided an enviornment outside of the cell where they may recreate on their own.

"Structured Therapeutic or Programmatic time" is organized, structured activity delivered or conducted by either a QMHP or group providers. The intent is mental health treatment, or other activities such as drug addiction class, problem solving, or just a more structured recreational activity. Deputies bring the inmates to the structured time, but are not responsible for the activities.