5-13/030.00 Special Clothing/Footwear

Unit commanders are responsible for establishing and implementing procedures for the distribution and reclamation of specialized clothing and footwear for inmates assigned to specialized work details.  

Inmates shall be issued appropriate clothing and footwear to enable them to perform special work assignments such as food service, medical, farm, sanitation, mechanical, or other specified work. Footwear issued for specific job assignments shall only be worn while working the designated assignments.  

In the event that an inmate assigned to a special work crew, and who is in possession of specialized clothing, is transferred, all inmate worker clothing shall be taken from the inmate and replaced with general population inmate clothing prior to transfer to IRC or to another facility.  

Inmates shall be provided County issued footwear. Special footwear required because of a medical condition may be obtained through court order or upon the written prescription of a medical doctor.