5-12/010.05 Inmate Passes/Requests for Service

There are various reasons a pass/request will be sent for an inmate to respond to a specified location aside from medical or mental health reasons (e.g. visiting, attorney visits, interviews, chaplain services, release, add-charge acknowledgement (“WIS”), court, change of housing location, etc.). Units such as Educational Based Incarceration and the Office of Religious and Volunteer Services may also request to visit inmates or conduct activities for which passes are not issued. It is the responsibility of all custody personnel to accommodate these requests and to ensure that all inmate passes are fulfilled in an expeditious manner. Delayed or unfulfilled passes may cause noncompliance with Title 15 standards, inmate overdetentions, and adversely affect jail operations.

Absent exigent circumstances, custody personnel shall ensure all inmate passes/requests for service are fulfilled in a reasonable amount of time.

Unit commanders shall create unit orders delineating procedures for floor sergeants, or their designee, to ensure all pending passes/requests for service for their assigned housing locations are completed prior to the end of their shift. In the event a pass/request for service was not completed, and/or a pass/request for service was cleared from the Automated Justice Information System (AJIS) absent the physical movement of an inmate to the requested location, the reason(s) shall be documented in the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL), and verified by the floor sergeant.

In addition, if a pass generated by the Inmate Reception Center (IRC) or the Population Management Bureau's Central Housing Unit (PMB CHU) cannot be completed, IRC Document Control, personnel and the IRC watch commander, or PMB CHU personnel shall be notified immediately by personnel from the location responsible for completing the pass. Proper notification to the oncoming shift shall be made of any pending inmate pass/request for service so that the pass can be completed.

Once the action for which a pass/request for service was issued is completed, it is imperative that personnel promptly clear the pass in AJIS to ensure accurate documentation of inmate movement and facility population counts, as well as allow any additional passes to be issued.