5-10/010.05 Inmate Video Visitation System

The Inmate Video Visitation System (IVVS) is a visitation management system capable of scheduling and managing on-site visits and remote video teleconferencing. This includes, but is not limited to, all public and professional on-site face-to-face and video teleconferencing visits at any Department visitation center, Department approved interview rooms, Los Angeles County courts, and patrol stations. All remote video teleconferencing by local/state/federal government departments, outside law enforcement agencies, and other county approved organizations shall be scheduled and managed using IVVS.

IVVS maintains secured and encrypted data storage for both professional and general public visitations. The system provides live video monitoring of public video teleconferencing by authorized sworn staff and temporary storage of audio-video recordings of inmate visits with the general public.

Absent a court order, privileged communications between inmates and their attorneys, religious advisors, and physicians shall not be recorded. If Department personnel discover the recording of any privileged communication, they shall immediately notify the IVVS Administrative and Technical Section.

IVVS is divided into two sections, the Administrative and Technical Section as well as the Investigative Section.

The Administrative and Technical Section is located in Custody Operations within the Correctional Innovative Technologies Unit (CITU). This section is overseen by the Custody Services Division Administration commander. It shall be the responsibility of the Administrative and Technical Section to:

  • manage the application, data base maintenance, recording server, video end-point hardware, and software support issues while collaborating with the contractual solution provider, Data Systems Bureau (DSB), and the Sheriff’s Data Network (SDN);
  • oversee the daily management of the IVVS maintenance and support contract in Los Angeles County jails, detention facilities, and Sheriff’s stations.

The IVVS Investigative Section is managed by CITU personnel. It shall be the responsibility of the IVVS Investigative Section to:

  • Approve and issue internal IVVS local user accounts by all Department and non-Department personnel.
  • Approve the creation and issuance of the general public IVVS user accounts.
  • Oversee the daily management and documentation of all monitoring and recording requests by internal and external investigating bodies or court orders.


IVVS access is available to all Department personnel who have an approved Sheriff Data Network (SDN) user account. The level of access will be determined by the administrator and is dependent upon the reason for access. All public and professional data pertaining to visitations, official interviews, or court hearings with an inmate or new booking at any visitation center or Sheriff’s station shall be documented, securely stored, and managed in IVVS.

Each unit’s visitation center shall be responsible for logging the visits into the IVVS. However, it shall be the responsibility of the individual custody facility’s officers to ensure the inmate’s visitation pass is processed.

All audio or video public recording requests made by an investigative officer, analyst, or by court order, will be managed by the “IVVS Support Help Desk” group within CITU. Visiting center personnel shall be responsible for processing and monitoring all on-site and remote public video visits with inmate unless otherwise assigned by Custody Services Division Administration commander.

All IVVS maintenance issues/problems discovered by the IVVS user shall be promptly reported to the IVVS Support Help Desk for resolution. IVVS users shall not make direct or indirect contact with the contractual provider for any issue/problem regarding the IVVS.

Access to the IVVS web scheduling applications by attorneys or other individuals defined as a priority or professional visitor shall be given “professional status” once their identity and title is authenticated and confirmed by Department personnel. All attorney and professional face-to-face or video teleconferencing shall not be monitored or recorded.

The IVVS Administrative and Technical Section shall conduct weekly IVVS user accounts audits. User accounts deemed inactive for more than sixty (60) days will have their password deactivated and must be reactivated by the IVVS administrator. The IVVS Administrative and Technical Section can revoke access to the IVVS upon founded misuse of the IVVS with respect to the Department’s policies and procedures.

The IVVS Administrative Section provides analytical support to Department personnel. The IVVS Administrative Section shall maintain a training program and shall provide necessary training and support to users. The IVVS Help Desk within CITU provides technical and customer service assistance to the user, general public, and professional visitors if the visiting center or other staff member is unable to provide an adequate resolution of a visitation transaction, complaint, or inmate Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) visitation matter. Support can include an in-person interaction, a phone call, the local self-service kiosk, or other means to ensure completion. 

In addition to providing support regarding all visitation matters with custody personnel, all downloaded IVVS data, recordings, and records generated as a result of a system’s search are confidential and may be deemed legal evidence. A CITU Administrator must approve all data extracts/downloads from the IVVS database. All downloaded data, recordings, and records deemed to be pertinent to an investigation shall be handled, retained, and stored in accordance with Department evidentiary procedures.

All court orders and subpoenas for IVVS data, records, or recordings shall be processed by the IVVS Investigative Section. IVVS Investigative Section personnel and/or representatives from the contracted provider shall be available for courtroom testimony.

All public, attorneys, investigators, or authenticated and confirmed professional visitors requesting to visit or interview inmates by means of face-to-face or video teleconferencing are required to have an active visitation account in the IVVS. All adult public visitation accounts shall contain updated information and a current photo. Attorney and law enforcement visitation accounts will contain updated information, in addition, it will contain a current photo or a photo of a valid picture identification. All visiting files, records, and reports shall be retained in the IVVS. Any public or professional visitor who schedules a visit under prohibited circumstances or knowingly uses false identification with intent to misinform Department personnel, shall immediately have all their visitation privileges voided and their account deactivated.

Department personnel shall immediately report any evidence of criminal activities involving officer safety issues, conversations involving criminal threats of harm to witnesses or victims, inappropriate behavior, or information regarding jail security issues discovered during routine public monitoring of inmate visitation to their supervisor.

All users are responsible for adhering to the Department's electronic communications policy, as described in Manual of Policy and Procedures sections, 3-07/210.05, “Permissible Use,” 3-07/210.25, “Security,” and 3-07/220.00, “Prohibitions.”