5-06/010.15 Proper Handling of Razors

All razors, either purchased through commissary, or as provided in admissions or indigent kits, include a plastic reusable protective cover.

Reusable razors without a protective cover shall be considered contraband and disposed.

All razors shall have the protective cover on at all times other than during intended use. (Refer to Custody Division Manual, sections 5-06/010.05 "Allowable Inmate Property - Male Inmates" and 5-06/010.10 "Allowable Inmate Property - Female Inmates").

In instances where inmates may use razors, but cannot retain razors as part of their allowable property (due to their mental health status, administrative segregation or classification, etc.), razors shall be returned immediately after their permitted use. It is the responsibility of custody personnel to inventory and account for these razors.

It is the responsibility of the inmate to ensure razors are returned with the protective cover intact and placed properly over the blade(s) of the razor.

In cases where disposable razors purchased through commissary must be retained by custody personnel for reuse by an inmate, each razor shall be properly inspected upon receipt. Any razor that appears to have been altered, or has been returned without the protective cover as described in the above referenced manner, shall be considered contraband and disposed of in an appropriate contraband container.

Used razors shall be considered and treated as contaminated "sharps." Gloves should always be worn by custody personnel while handling used razors. All used razors shall be disposed of immediately, or as soon as feasible, and not allowed to accumulate. The disposal of razors deemed as contraband shall be handled in accordance to Custody Division Manual, section 5-07/020.00, "Contraband Disposal."

Each custody facility shall develop and implement procedures for the safe handling of razors by custodial personnel.