5-05/130.00 Exchange of Four-Man Security Chains

When an inmate is transported from a Custody Division facility to any other facility, court, or transportation unit, while wearing a four-man security chain, the receiving unit shall provide the delivering unit a set of replacement four-man security chains. The exchange of chains shall be made on a one-for-one basis. If there is an insufficient supply of chains at the receiving unit to supply the delivering unit with the appropriate amount of chains, an immediate notification to the receiving unit’s Watch Commander shall be made.

It shall be the responsibility of the receiving unit’s Watch Commander to ensure that any discrepancies are handled quickly and efficiently. In the event that the receiving unit’s Watch Commander does not have sufficient chains to complete a one-for-one trade, notification shall be made to the delivering unit’s Watch Commander.

The delivering unit shall not be delayed in surrendering custody of an inmate as a result of lack of sufficient chains. In the event that the receiving unit does not provide a replacement chain, the inmate(s) shall be delivered to the receiving unit and the chain shall be recovered from the inmate once secured. Recalcitrant or combative inmates shall not be unchained without the presence of a supervisor at the rank of sergeant or above.

Personnel retrieving inmates from another facility (e.g. court returnees from IRC) shall ensure that they bring sufficient chains when responding to the facility.

Personnel shall not stop the exchange of an inmate or chain in the event that chain contains the marking of a specific facility. Facilities purchasing chains shall not place a facility marking on the chain other than the words “Custody Division.”