5-03/020.00 Medical and Mental Health Procedures Manual

Pursuant to The Minimum Standards for Local Detention Facilities, Title 15, section 1206, "Medical/Mental Health Care Procedures Manual," Correctional Health Services (CHS), in cooperation with the unit commanders, shall develop, in writing, a Medical/Mental Health Procedures Manual, which shall be reviewed and updated at least annually. All policy and procedures shall be in conformance with applicable state and federal laws, and shall include, but are not limited to: 

  • Summoning and application of proper medical aid
  • Contact and consultation with private physicians
  • Emergency and non-emergency medical and dental services, including transportation
  • Provision for medically required dental and medical prostheses and eyeglasses
  • Notification of next of kin or legal guardian in case of serious illness which may result in death
  • Provision for screening and care of pregnant and lactating women, including postpartum care, and other services mandated by statute
  • Screening, referral, and care of mentally disordered and developmentally disabled inmates,
  • Implementation of special medical programs
  • Management of inmates suspected of or confirmed to have communicable diseases
  • The procurement, storage, repackaging, labeling, dispensing, administration-delivery to inmates, and disposal of pharmaceuticals
  • Use of non-physician personnel in providing medical care
  • Provision of therapeutic diets
  • Patient confidentiality and its exceptions
  • The transfer of pertinent individualized health care information, or individual documentation that no health care information is available, to the health authority of another correctional system, medical facility, or mental health facility at the time each inmate is transferred
  • Procedures for notification to the transferring health care staff shall allow sufficient time to prepare the summary. The summary information shall identify the sending facility and be in a consistent format that includes the need for follow-up care, diagnostic tests performed, medications prescribed, pending appointments, significant health problems, and other information that is necessary to provide for continuity of health care. Necessary inmate medication and health care information shall be provided to the transporting staff, together with precautions necessary to protect staff and inmate passengers from disease transmission during transport
  • Forensic healthcare services, including drawing of blood alcohol samples, body cavity searches, and other functions for the purpose of prosecution shall not be performed by CHS personnel responsible for providing ongoing health care to the inmates