5-01/050.15 Property Restrictions for Mentally Ill Inmates


The allowable property of inmates may have to be temporarily restricted for inmates who present a higher risk of self-harm. Inmates who require a high level of observation may be subject to clinically appropriate restrictions in order to maintain a safe environment (refer to CDM sections 5-06/010.05, "Allowable Inmate Property - Male Inmates," and 5-06/010.10, "Allowable Inmate Property - Female Inmates").

Using the Mental Health Tools web application, clinicians will specify or indicate allowable property recommendations and/or restrictions via an "Inmate Property Door Sign." Custody personnel shall retrieve and print a door sign using the same web application. The "Inmate Property Door Signs" shall be placed on the cell door by custody personnel. The "Inmate Property Door Signs" will communicate the allowable inmate property to any custody personnel based on the last clinical assessment.

Upon initial placement in High Observation Housing (HOH), except when transferred directly from Forensic Inpatient (FIP), inmates shall be provided only suicide-resistant blankets, gowns, and approved mattresses, unless otherwise specified, as determined and documented by a Jail Mental Health Services (JMHS) clinician.

Upon initial placement in HOH from Inmate Reception Center or Century Regional Detention Facility, an "Inmate Property Door Sign" will be printed by the clinician in reception. Upon initial placement from any other housing location into HOH, the door sign shall be printed by custody personnel. The door sign shall accompany the inmate when being escorted to housing. Custody personnel at HOH housing locations shall not accept the inmate without the door sign.

Within 24 hours of initial placement in HOH, a clinician will make recommendations regarding allowable property based upon an individual clinical assessment (Refer to JMHS policy 70.7 Suicide Prevention).

Property restrictions in HOH beyond 24 hours will be based on an assessment by a clinician as necessary and documented in the electronic medical record.

As changes to the allowable property are made, the clinician will notify custody personnel via the Mental Health Tools web application in the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL). If new or updated Door Tags exist, a button in the e-UDAL Modules entry form will appear onscreen which says, "PENDING Door Tags: xx." Upon seeing this prompt, new or updated door signs shall be printed and replaced accordingly by custody personnel.

In the event that the Mental Health Tools web application is inaccessible, custody personnel shall notify the clinician and request a handwritten door sign.