4-10/055.00 Corrective Action Reports/After-Action Reports

Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) identify areas in need of improvement and proposed solutions, which shall be developed and documented.

Examples of incidents which may require CAPs include, but are not limited to:

  • Escapes/attempt escapes
  • Major disturbances/riots
  • Facility maintenance issues
  • Annual Command Inspections
  • Audits by county, state or federal officials requiring corrective actions
  • Any unusual occurrence within Custody Operations
  • Any significant incident identified by a Department executive.

An After Action Report (AAR) is used to summarize an incident and identify measures taken to return to normal operations.

AAR topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • The facility response
  • Tactics utilized
  • Munitions expended
  • Injuries sustained
  • Property damaged
  • Estimated repair cost
  • Total repair time
  • Decontamination procedures
  • Overtime expended
  • Lessons learned
  • Any corrective action, training, and equipment purchased to improve future response efforts.


Unit commanders (or their designees) shall submit copies of all CAPs and AARs generated by their facility to Custody Support Services Bureau's (CSSB) Outlook e-mail group, "CSS CAP Tracker Group."

To ensure CSSB retains the most up to date information for monitoring and tracking, copies of updates/changes to CAPs or AARs shall also be submitted to CSSB.


The CSSB Incident Review Team shall maintain a log to monitor and track all CAPs and AARs pertaining to Custody Services Division. The Incident Review Team shall submit a CAP Tracking Report to the Custody Operations Assistant Sheriff on a quarterly basis.