4-05/005.05 Electronic Behavioral Observation and Mental Health Referral Report (e-BOMHR)

The e-BOMHR is a web application utilized within the Custody Services Divisions and Court Services Division for reporting inmates exhibiting symptoms of mental illness for assessment and treatment by mental health staff. Personnel shall utilize the e-BOMHR in place of the Behavioral Observation and Mental Health Referral (BOMHR) printed report.

Upon submission of the form, a custody supervisor shall review the record to ensure all required fields for the custody portion of the e-BOMHR have been completed prior to electronically signing the form. The e-BOMHR system will then direct the form to the appropriate queues for healthcare staff review and completion, as coordinated by the Medical Control Center (MCC).

A final review of an e-BOMHR shall be conducted by the originating facility's Access to Care (ATC) Lieutenant or a designee of the minimum rank of sergeant. The final review for e-BOMHR forms originated in Court Services Division shall be conducted by ATC personnel at the Inmate Reception Center (IRC).

Facility watch commanders and ATC personnel shall monitor applicable e-BOMHR system queues and maintain communication with the MCC to ensure the timely processing and completion of forms.

In the event there is a system failure, all respective facilities and courts shall maintain a sufficient supply of the paper form to allow continued documentation.

Refer to Custody Division Manual (CDM) 4-05/000.00, "Behavioral Observation and Mental Health Referral Reports" for further information regarding the BOMHR report.

Refer to the "BOMHR Manual" in the Custody Automated Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS) for instructions on the use of the e-BOMHR.