3-06/080.00 Security of Medication

Correctional Health Services (CHS), in conjunction with the unit commander, shall develop written plans and establish procedures for the secure storage, controlled administration, and disposal of all legally obtained drugs, in accordance with Minimum Standards For Adult Local Detention Facilities - Title 15, section 1216, "Pharmaceutical Management." The plans and procedures shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 

  • Appropriate space and accessories for the dispensing of medications,
  • Securely lockable cabinets, closets, and refrigeration units,
  • Procedures for the positive identification of the recipient of the prescribed medication,
  • Procedures for administration/delivery of prescribed medicines to inmates,
  • Procedures for confirming that the recipient has ingested the medication, or accounting for medication under self-administration procedures outlined in Minimum Standards For Adult Local Detention Facilities - Title 15, section 1216 (d), "Pharmaceutical Management,"
  • Procedures for documenting that the prescribed medications have or have not been administered, by whom, and if not, for what reason,
  • Prohibiting the delivery of drugs by inmates,
  • Limitations on the length of time medication may be administered without further medical evaluation,
  • Limitations on the length of time required for a physician's signature to accompany verbal orders,
  • A written report shall be prepared by a pharmacist, no less than annually, on the status of pharmacy services in the institution. The pharmacist shall provide the report to the health authority and the unit commander.

Self-Medication Procedures

Self - Medication Program allows inmates to carry a limited supply of approved medications dispensed by LASD Pharmacies in compliance with applicable pharmacy laws. Per Title 15 for Correctional Institutions, psychotropic, narcotic medications and other mind altering drugs do not qualify for self-medication by the inmates.

Refills for maintenance medications are provided on a routine basis. CHS personnel monitors inmate patients for compliance with Self Medication Program. If an inmate abuses the program or declines to participate in the program any longer, self-medications shall be confiscated and CHS personnel shall start administering each dose individually.

Inmates will be responsible to take medications as prescribed for better results. Inmates shall still take medications regardless of lockdowns or other security situations in the jail facility; family visits; attorney meetings; religious services; educational programs; court appearances or other inmate programs.

Unit commanders shall establish specific unit orders for their facilities regarding self-medication at their facilities.