3-04/030.00 Inmate Worker Remuneration

Each facility shall establish unit orders with regard to paying inmate workers for authorized services such as haircuts, shoe shines, car washes, etc. Unit orders shall comply with the criteria listed below:

  • All payments to inmate workers for services shall be made using the Departmentally approved inmate workers payment chip
  • Facilities shall only use the designated payment chips as determined by Correctional Services Division - Inmate Services. Replacement or additional payment chips can be ordered through Inmate Services, (Refer to color chart)
  • Each facility shall establish a means by which Department personnel can purchase payment chips on each shift
  • Only designated inmate workers may be given payment chips. Units shall develop a method by which the inmate workers can exchange their payment chips for credit on their accounts
  • A written receipt (SH-J-370) shall be given to the inmate worker for all payment chips exchanged for account credit
  • Only designated inmate workers shall be authorized to possess payment chips. Non-designated inmate workers found with payment chips shall have the payment chips confiscated and treated as contraband. Any applicable discipline should be applied
  • Account credit shall not be issued to non-authorized inmate workers found with payment chips
  • Correctional Services Division - Inmate Services shall determine and set standardized prices for authorized services
  • Department personnel are to remunerate inmate workers upon the completed rendering of services
  • Payment for services by other than the above prescribed manner may be considered a violation of the Department Manual of Policy and Procedures, section 3-01/050.85, "Fraternization", and section 3-01/030.75, "Bribes, Rewards, Loans, Gifts, Favors."