3-04/020.00 Fraternization and Prohibited Associations with Inmates

Fraternization with County Jail inmates is strictly prohibited in accordance with Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP) section 3-01/050.85, "Fraternization and Prohibited Associations."

Any employee working within Custody or Correctional Services Divisions, who comes in contact with an inmate who is either a relative, friend, associate, acquaintance, or other person known to the employee, past or present, shall immediately notify the watch commander in writing of this fact. Subsequent contacts with the inmate, where inappropriate favors or actions are requested of the employee, should also be reported to the watch commander.

Notification to the watch commander shall be made in Department memorandum format (SH-AD-32), and shall include the following information:

  • Inmate's name
  • Booking number
  • Current housing location
  • Type of relationship or association
  • Detailed description of relationship or association history
  • Time of first contact within custody
  • Description of inappropriate favors or actions requested (if applicable)

The notification memorandum shall be retained, pursuant to MPP section 3-01/050.85, "Fraternization and Prohibited Associations." The unit commander shall be responsible for managing the inherent risk associated with inappropriate requests for favors by inmates.

A special handle notation shall be made on the inmate's electronic special handling record, documenting the inmate’s relationship or association with the Department employee. This notation does not require that the inmate be reclassified [REDACTED TEXT]. This change shall only be made if all requirements are met as stated in Custody Division Manual section 5-01/030.00, "Inmate Classification and Identification."

The watch commander shall make a determination if the relationship is such that the inmate's continued incarceration at the facility may jeopardize the safety of the inmate, the staff member, the security or operation of the facility. If the relationship violates any of these concerns, the watch commander shall ensure the inmate is relocated within the County Jail system. The unit commander shall be notified of the incident via memorandum.

Inappropriate Requests for Favors by Inmates Not Previously Known to Employee

Any attempt by an inmate to request inappropriate favors or actions from an employee, whether the inmate is previously known to the employee or not, shall immediately be reported in writing to the facility watch commander. The notification to the watch commander shall be made in Department memorandum format (SH-AD-32), and shall include the following information:

  • Inmate's name,
  • Booking number,
  • Current housing location
  • Time and location of occurrence, and
  • Description of inappropriate favors or actions requested.

The notification memorandum shall be retained, pursuant to MPP section 3-01/050.85, "Fraternization and Prohibited Associations."The watch commander shall notify the unit commander via memorandum. The unit commander shall be responsible for determining the appropriate course of action.

If the actions of the employee are criminal in nature, the unit commander shall immediately consult with Internal Criminal Investigation Bureau (ICIB) and their respective Division Chief.

Upon the completion of the investigation, the unit commander shall consult with the Division Chief to determine the appropriate course of action.