3-02/050.00 Standards and Training for Corrections

Unit commanders shall establish procedures to ensure custody personnel attend the required twenty-four (24) hours of annual Standards and Training for Corrections (STC) pursuant to California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 15 section 184, “Annual Required Training” and section 1025, "Continuing Professional Training." It is the responsibility of each facility to maintain STC training records and monitor the number of training hours facility staff members have completed.


It is the responsibility of the Custody Training and Standards Bureau (CTSB) to provide STC certified training classes for custody personnel on a continuing basis. Unit training coordinators may request to receive monthly class schedules, along with STC course and enrollment information from CTSB.

Custody personnel may also submit a request for STC certification to CTSB for training courses which are not pre-authorized for STC certification credit. If the course is determined to be “Special Certification (SC)” or “Work Related Education (WRE)” by the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC), credit may be applied towards their annual STC credit requirements. CTSB shall be responsible for completing the application for SC or WRE STC certifications and submitting it to the BSCC - Standard of Training for Corrections Division for approval.

All custody personnel may receive 100 percent of the twenty-four (24) hour requirement with SC training. Staff members with the rank of lieutenant and above may receive 100 percent of their annual twenty-four (24) hour requirement with WRE.  All other ranks may accumulate up to twelve (12) hours of certified WRE.

CTSB shall periodically audit each facility's training records to verify if required training hours are being completed within any fiscal year time period.