3-02/020.00 In-Service Training

Unit commanders shall provide continual in-service training programs for all personnel assigned to their unit. In-service training shall include Division Instructional Bulletins, refresher training for the 40mm weapon systems, and any other in-service training determined to be necessary for the individual unit as determined by the unit commander. It is the responsibility of each facility to maintain records of attendance, subject matter, and successful completion for each employee attending training programs. These records shall be subject to review during the annual command inspection process.

Special Weapons Systems Training

Employees certified to fire the 40mm weapon system (i.e., the SL-1, ARWEN, L-6, L-8, and single shot gas gun) are required to fire these weapons at least once every twelve (12) months under the direction of the unit's training staff or certified user of the weapon of the rank of Bonus I or higher. Failure to do so will result in the loss of certification.

Instructional Bulletins

All Custody Services Divisions personnel shall receive copies of the Custody Services Divisions Instructional Bulletins, which are distributed on a monthly basis by the Custody Training and Standards Bureau. Instructional Bulletins are developed by the Custody Training and Standards Bureau and are provided to each unit's training staff.

The Custody Training and Standards Bureau is responsible for creating one bulletin each month.

Training Sergeants at each unit are responsible for developing a plan for distribution and briefing of all bulletins to their personnel, and for ensuring that all personnel pass the examination provided with each bulletin. Training Sergeants shall establish procedures to remediate those personnel who do not pass the test. Instructional Bulletins shall be considered mandatory training and shall be conducted in a manner designed to strengthen participant comprehension and performance in the concerned areas.

Instructional Bulletins shall be maintained in a manual (hard copy) or electronic (computer) file folder designated as "Instructional Bulletins." Documentation shall include, but not be limited to: 

  • Bulletin titles,
  • Names of personnel who received the bulletins,
  • The date and name of the supervisor(s) who tested the employee,
  • Names of personnel who required remedial training. 

Unit Training Sergeants shall forward their original records, on a monthly basis, to their respective Training Lieutenant for review and filing.

Instructional Bulletins shall be subject to inspection by command personnel in conjunction with the annual command inspections. Additionally, each unit shall administer periodic internal reviews to verify ongoing compliance with this directive.

"Instructional Bulletins" have replaced "Recurrent Briefings." The information that is disseminated in the Instructional Bulletins shall supersede all previous information on those subjects.