3-01/070.00 Parking

All personnel assigned to, and/or working in any capacity at, any Custody Services Division facility shall park in an appropriate, designated parking area(s). Personnel shall only park in identified parking areas designated for vehicles, and shall not park in any manner that is unlawful or presents a hazard. Those areas designated for particular vehicle usage (i.e., large, over-size vehicles, electric vehicles, or compact vehicles) shall only be utilized by those specific types of vehicles. Parking areas shall not be used for storage of employee vehicles. Public visitors shall only park in designated visitor parking lot(s) or structure(s).  

Electric vehicles (EV) parked in the designated EV stalls shall be charging while occupying the space. Electric vehicles shall not park in the EV stalls as a convenience.

Electric vehicle stall violations will be issued per CVC 22511.11(a).  

Any vehicle parked in an unlawful manner, or in a space specifically designated for another, or in an unauthorized position or space, will be issued a Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Custody Division Notice of Parking Violation. Nothing in this policy precludes the lawful removal and storage of towed vehicles. The Custody Division Notice of Parking Violation consists of three color-coded copies. The white copy (original) shall be placed on the vehicle in violation, the yellow copy shall be forwarded to the employee's unit commander for disposition. The pink copy shall be kept on file with the facility issuing the notice of parking violation for two years.  

Unit Commander Responsibilities  

Unit commanders are responsible for enforcing this policy, and shall develop unit-specific policy and procedures for monitoring and controlling parking at their facilities. Parking at the Bauchet Street Complex shall be enforced by Custody Support Services and Internal Services Division.  

Any employee receiving a notice of parking violation is subject to counseling and/or disciplinary action, in accordance with the Department Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP), section 3-01/030.10, "Obedience to Laws, Regulations, and Orders."  

First citations shall result in a consultation or informal counseling with the unit commander or his designee. Second citations shall result in a performance logbook entry, and third citations shall require a written reprimand. Discipline for any subsequent citations shall be determined and imposed at the discretion of the unit commander. Each citation issued will remain active for a 12 month period, after which time it will no longer be considered for disciplinary action.