3-01/020.05 Mandatory Rotation of Line Personnel in Custody

All custody facility unit commanders shall have a unit order in place outlining the rotation of personnel within their unit. All unit commanders shall ensure line personnel are rotated between job assignments at least once every six (6) months.

The facility's unit order shall clearly define what job assignment change constitutes a rotation. Specific areas of the facility shall be defined as a job assignment area (e.g., IPA, Reception, Old Side, New Side, Tower One, Tower Two, Upper Compound, Lower Compound etc.). Personnel shall work in a position which shall be different from their previously assigned position, for the majority of the rotation period.

All personnel assigned to non-coveted specialized positions (e.g., inmate services, infirmary, laundry, kitchen, special projects, and vocational shops, etc.) shall be rotated between job assignments at least every thirty-six (36) months. Unit commanders have the discretion to exempt the rotation of personnel in positions which require specialized knowledge, skills, and/or training making it difficult to replace staff members due to the lengthy time to gain competency in the position (e.g., training, scheduling, operations, high observation housing, administrative segregation, etc.). Unit commanders may also specify less frequent rotations of personnel in non-coveted specialized positions.

All job assignment areas, exempted positions, and special exemptions shall be approved by the respective Division chief.

Rotations shall be done in a manner that upholds safety and efficiency, while allowing personnel to learn numerous job functions. Compliance with this policy does not mandate the changing of regular days off or shift assignments for personnel.

Unit commanders shall ensure that all rotation compliance records are maintained for two (2) years to show adherence to this policy. In addition, all unit commanders shall review this policy and their facility's unit order semi-annually.

A semi-annual audit of each facility's unit orders regarding mandatory rotation of line personnel and each unit's compliance with this policy shall be conducted by the Custody Services Division Administration commander.