2-00/050.00 Inmate Medical and Mental Health Services

Correctional Health Services

Correctional Health Services (CHS) provides medical and mental health care services for inmates housed within the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department’s jail facilities. Medical outpatient services are provided through the clinics at each jail facility. Inpatient services are provided in the Correctional Treatment Center within the Twin Towers Correctional Facility complex. CHS also provides dental, pharmacy, laboratory, radiology, and health information management services.

Through the reception centers at the Inmate Reception Center and Century Regional Detention Facility, CHS staff initially screens and evaluates all inmates for medical and mental health issues. CHS staff provide follow-up evaluations, treatment programs, and medications on a daily basis within the custody facilities.

The Access to Care Bureau unit commander liaisons with CHS directors and physicians  to ensure there are no barriers to the jail population’s access to medical and mental health care.

The Correctional Health Director is responsible for CHS operations.