7-02/070.15 Bail Bondsmen - Inmate Delivery

Bail bondsmen will occasionally deliver inmates to the Inmate Reception Center. They shall be allowed access to the Inmate Reception Center as follows:

  • Bondsmen may park their vehicles in the Transportation Bureau visitor parking areas outside the security compound. They shall not be permitted to drive into the security compound.
  • Bondsmen must present an Inmate Reception Center Bondsman's badge, which is yellow in color, prior to entering the security compound. If they do not have a Bondsman's badge, direct them to the Inmate Reception Center lobby to obtain a badge.
  • Upon presentation of the Bondsman's badge, the bondsmen shall be directed to the Prisoner Receiving area. The outside hard door shall be used to walk the prisoner(s) into the compound. The prisoner(s) shall not be escorted through the Transportation Bureau counter area for this purpose.