22-001 - New COVID-19 Related Statistical Codes


Based on the Department’s need to statistically track activity related to COVID-19, the following statistical codes shall be used when clearing calls for service, observations, and/or documenting incidents related to COVID-19:

806 – Known/Confirmed COVID-19 Related

807 – Unknown/Possible COVID-19 Related

808 – Directed Patrol/Compliance Check/Enforcement Related to COVID-19

806 – Known / Confirmed COVID-19 Related

This statistical code shall be used for calls/incidents when a known or confirmed case of COVID-19 is present.  This includes any incident where Department personnel were exposed to someone who self-reported as positive for COVID-19 or has a medical diagnosis of being infected with the COVID-19 virus.  Examples may include but are not limited to:

  • Medical aid call where the victim was medically diagnosed with COVID-19 and Department personnel came in direct contact, indirect contact, or were present within an enclosed space/same room with the victim for a period longer than two minutes.

807 – Unknown / Possible COVID-19 Related

This statistical code shall be used for calls/incidents where, based on the totality of the circumstances, a possible exposure to COVID-19 occurred or may have occurred. This includes any incident where Department personnel were exposed to someone who self-reported as possibly being infected (undiagnosed) or exhibited symptoms of a person infected with the COVID-19 virus.  Examples may include but are not limited to:

  • A suspect was arrested who exhibited the signs and/or symptoms of a person infected with the COVID-19 virus (fever, cough, sore throat).

808 – Directed Patrol / Compliance Check / Enforcement Related to COVID-19

This statistical code shall be used for calls/observations related to COVID-19, but do not necessarily involve an actual case of the virus.  Examples may include but are not limited to:

  • Directed Patrol/High Visibility Patrol;

  • Calls related to the enforcement of orders at the direction of the Department of Public Health; and/or

  • Enforcement functions and criminal investigations related to protests, price gouging, fraud, etc.

Department personnel may use any combination of the COVID-19 statistical codes for MDC and CAD clearances.  Additionally, any combination of the COVID-19 statistical codes shall be used on all Department forms as a secondary statistical code when applicable.

In all cases, a short narrative shall be included in the call clearance or report narrative which justifies the use of the COVID-19 statistical code(s).