03-007 Respirator Masks



This directive establishes procedures for compliance with California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 8, section 5144, regarding the Department issued Avon FM-12 or CF50 respirator mask.


Pursuant to California State Assembly Bill 1127 (enacted January 1, 2000), local government is no longer exempt from Cal-OSHA’s regulations (CCR, Title 8, section 5144) regarding respiratory equipment.  Therefore, the Department must comply by providing at-risk personnel with respirator masks.  The respirator mask must meet Cal-OSHA and NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) requirements. 

There are four facets of CCR, Title 8, section 5144, which require the Department’s compliance.  The facets are:

  • Medical evaluation form;
  • Issuance of the respirator mask;
  • Fit testing at the time of issuance and annually thereafter; and
  • Training at the time of issuance and annually thereafter.


Each lieutenant, sergeant, and deputy who has the potential to be a “first responder” to an incident necessitating the use of a respirator mask is considered medically qualified to use respiratory protective equipment after completing the Los Angeles County’s Medical History Statement (OHS-1) and successfully passing the physical examination that occurs as a condition of employment.

An employee and/or the employee’s supervisor may request the employee be medically re-evaluated due to a change in medical status which would influence the wearing of a respirator mask.  The supervisor and employee shall complete an Employee Medical Evaluation Clearance form for Respirator Use (medical form) as follows:

Supervisor Responsibilities

  • It is the responsibility of the supervisor to initiate the form for the employee; 
  • Complete the employee’s name, department/unit location, job title, and hire date on the cover page of the form;
  • Complete sections one through eight immediately under the employee’s information box; 
  • Sign, print the supervisor’s name, title, phone number, and date on the cover page; and
  • When the supervisor has completed the cover page, give the form and cover page to the employee along with an envelope with the employee’s name on the outside.

Employee Responsibilities

  • Ensure the cover page was completed by the supervisor; 
  • Complete the four page OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire attached to the cover page;
  • After the employee completes the questionnaire portion of the form, place the entire form in the provided envelope;
  • Seal the envelope containing the form; and
  • Return the sealed envelope to the supervisor.

The medical form is a confidential document.  Employees are not required to show their completed form to anyone on the Department, and supervisors shall not review the completed forms.

The supervisor shall ensure the envelope containing the form is delivered to the     Los Angeles County Department of Human Resources Occupational Health Programs (OHP).  OHP’s physician will review the questionnaire and complete the bottom portion of the cover page indicating whether or not an employee is medically able to wear a respirator mask.  Only the cover page will be returned by OHP to the employee’s unit of assignment.

When the cover page is returned to the Department from OHP, a supervisor shall:

  • Give a copy of the cover page to the employee;
  • Complete the bottom portion of the cover page indicating the date the employee received a copy of the cover page; and 
  • Sign the cover page.

If the reviewing physician indicates the employee is medically able to wear a respirator mask, the process will continue for the employee. 

If the reviewing physician indicates the employee is not medically able to wear a respirator mask, the employee will be restricted from participating in any incident that would require the wearing of a respirator mask.  If the medical clearance is denied, the employee may contact OHP for further information or direction.

Fit Test Kits

Each employee who has been determined to be medically able to use the respirator mask shall be fit tested with a Cal-OSHA approved fit test kit to evaluate the proper fit of the mask.  After the initial fit test and once an employee has been issued a respirator mask, the employee shall be fit tested annually.

Each unit’s trainer(s) shall strictly adhere to the procedures for administering and caring for the fit test equipment.  Any variance from the prescribed instructions will cause the test to become invalid and the Department will be out of compliance with Cal-OSHA regulations.  The unit coordinator shall ensure each fit test and its result is completely and accurately documented on the Fit Test Form.    

Respirator Masks

Each employee who has met all the requirements for being issued a respirator mask shall be issued an appropriately sized respirator mask, one filter canister, and one carrying bag.  The procedure for distribution is as follows:

  • After fit tests are conducted, the unit coordinator shall contact Logistics/Central Supply (Logistics) in writing, via e-mail or memorandum, and request the appropriate quantity and sizes of respirator masks, filter canisters, and carrying bags;
  • Logistics will contact the unit coordinator when the respirator masks, filter canisters, and carrying bags are ready for pick-up;
  • The unit coordinator shall pick up the requested respirator masks, filter canisters, and carrying bags from Logistics.  Logistics and the unit coordinator shall complete the Respirator Distribution form;
  • The unit coordinator shall provide to Logistics a copy of a completed Fit Test Form for each respirator mask picked up by that unit;
  • The unit coordinator shall issue the correct size respirator mask, one filter canister, and one carrying bag to the employee.  The unit coordinator and the employee shall complete the Issuance of Respirator form;
  • The unit coordinator shall return the original Issuance of Respirator form to Logistics and retain a copy for the unit’s records; and 
  • Logistics shall file the original Issuance of Respirator form in the employee’s equipment issued file.

If an employee’s issued respirator mask, filter canister, or carrying bag becomes damaged, unusable, lost, or stolen, it is the responsibility of the employee to contact their unit coordinator.  If the unit coordinator determines that the equipment is damaged, unusable, lost, or stolen, the unit coordinator shall contact Logistics to arrange for replacement or an exchange of said equipment.  If the items are damaged, the unit coordinator shall ensure that all necessary reports pursuant to Department policy for damage to County property have been completed (MPP section 4-19/060.00).  If the items are lost or stolen, the unit coordinator shall ensure that all necessary reports pursuant to Department policy for lost or stolen County property have been completed (MPP section 4-19/055.00).  

Filter Canisters

The Department issues the following canisters:

  • Riot Agent Only canisters are strictly for OC, CN, or CS.  This canister is used by custody, SEB, etc.  The canisters are approximately two inches in height with a color code band of purple and black or all black.  The operational effectiveness of the filter is dependent upon many factors, such as the environment of use and the length of time of its use.  An indicator of a severely contaminated canister will be how easily a wearer can breathe through it.  Newer versions have a performance degradation indicator which signals when a canister should be replaced.  The shelf life of this filter is 5 years.  The current model number for a Riot Agent Only canister from Avon is CTCF50. 
  • Canisters issued for field deployment are the multi-agent (CBRN) canister.  These canisters protect the wearer against the same Riot Agents listed above, as well as against a wide range of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear warfare agents.  It is approximately three inches in height with a color code band of pink and brown or all black.  Old canister models are hermetically sealed in a silver foil bag.  New canisters issued are sealed in a rugged plastic container with a plastic safety seal.  The canisters can be used up to one year after opening and have a shelf life of five years.  Any filter used in a chemical, industrial, biological, radiological, or nuclear environment should be correctly disposed of and replaced.  An indicator of a severely contaminated canister will be how easily a wearer can breathe through it.  New canister models have a performance degradation indicator which signals when a canister should be replaced.  The current model number for a CBRN filter from Avon is CBRNCF50.    

The canister will be issued in either a sealed foil bag or sealed container.  Employees shall not open or break the seal except when responding or deploying to an incident.  If an employee breaks the seal, the employee must write a memorandum to their unit coordinator advising the sealed container was opened, the date, and an explanation.  The unit coordinator or their designee shall keep records of the employee’s name, date the sealed bag or container was opened, and the reason why it was opened. 

Sealed canisters containers have a shelf life of approximately five years.  If the canister container was opened, but was not used in a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear environment, the unit coordinator shall replace the employee’s unsealed canister within the prescribed life expectancy (approximately one year).  If the canister has been contaminated, the employee shall contact the unit coordinator to exchange it without delay.

Document Retention

Each unit shall be responsible for maintaining the following records in a three-ring binder that would be accessible for an inspection by the Department and/or Cal-OSHA.  The binder shall have four sections

  • One section for a copy of an employee’s medical form cover page which has been returned from OHP, if applicable;
  • One section for a copy of the employee’s Fit Test Form;
  • One section for the employee’s training documentation; and
  • One section containing the Unit’s Respiratory Protection Program per CCR, Title 8, section 5144. 

If an employee has a medical form cover page, the original shall be maintained in the employee’s medical file.  The Fit Test Form and the training documentation shall be replaced annually with the updated form and documentation.

Unit Coordinator

Each unit/bureau/division having a fit test kit will select a unit coordinator.  The unit coordinator will be responsible for the fit testing, issuing, and training for all fit tests, respirator masks, filter canisters, and carrying bags at their unit/bureau/division.

Respiratory Protection Program

Each unit shall maintain a Respiratory Protection Program specific for their unit.  The program shall include information regarding the respirator mask specifications, training, fit testing, and shall be in compliance with CCR, Title 8, section 5144.  The program shall be updated annually.  This program shall be made available to all employees and accessible for inspection by the Department and/or Cal-OSHA.

Annual Training and Fit Testing

After issuance of a respirator mask, each employee shall receive annual fit testing and training in the use and care of the respirator mask.  Trainers shall use the Respirator Training Outline and video provided by the Field Operations Support Services unit for respirator mask training.  During this training session, trainers shall give personnel the opportunity for a question and answer period.

The unit coordinator shall be responsible for ensuring that each employee’s training is documented.  The unit coordinator shall also ensure that each employee’s training is entered into the Learning Management System (LMS).  Trainers shall use the following LMS numbers to record their facility’s annual training and fit testing:

  • Respirator Mask Training     
  • Respirator Mask Testing       


The Department shall include respirator mask compliance into each unit’s annual command inspection.

Health & Safety Unit will be responsible for the annual inspection of each unit’s Respiratory Protection Program and documenting the results of the inspection.

Units who conduct annual pre-inspections of training for stations and facilities will be responsible for inspecting the fit testing and respirator mask training records and documenting the results of the inspection.


MPP section 3-01-040.15, Care of County Property and Equipment

MPP section 4-19/055.00, Property

MPP section 4-19/060.00, Property Damage - Accidental - Non-Traffic Accident Connected

MPP section 5-06/040.50, Respirator Masks

FOD 05-05, Weapons of Mass Destruction (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and  Nuclear) Guidelines

Los Angeles County’s Medical History Statement (OHS-1)

Annual Fit Test Form

Fit Test Procedures

Respirator Video