86-027 Child Fingerprinting Program "Operation Kid Print"


A great deal of interest and news media attention has developed across the country regarding the fingerprinting of children for identification purposes. In response to this concern, the Department has developed "Operation Kid Print."


"Operation Kid Print" is and educational and identification program whereby the Sheriff's Department can establish a forum with young children, parents, teachers, PTA's and community organizations. It will also provide information to children pertaining to the dangers of running away. At the same time it will provide the parent with a fingerprint card that could be a valuable investigative tool if needed later, as well as instructions on what to do if their child is missing.


"Operation Kid Print" is designed with considerations for the following objectives:

  • Establish an atmosphere of concern by law enforcement for young children's protection and welfare.
  • Inform children about the dangers of running away, wandering, and exploring in areas that could present danger.
  • Provide parents with useful information with which to refer in the event their child is missing.
  • Provide parents with vital data that can be used initially in the completion of a missing person report.
  • Provide law enforcement with information to conduct more thorough investigations if the need arises


"Operation Kid Print" may be implemented in any of the following ways, consistent with staffing and budgetary limitations:

Budget restrictions preclude our complete implementation of the program at this time, however, if community resources are available to purchase needed equipment, "Operation Kid Print" could move ahead at an accelerated rate. The forms, however, will be made available to any community organization (PTA, etc.) for their use, at no charge.

Note:  Explain to the parents that the fingerprinting process shall be administered or supervised by a representative of the Sheriff's Department. The form shall be returned to the parent for final completion and inclusion in their own personal records for use if the need arises. The parent shall be advised that the Sheriff's Department or any other agency would not retain an exemplar or make any formal recording relative to the taking of prints.

  • Coordinate program with school administrators, PTA's and concerned groups. They would provide the staffing to distribute the materials, obtain waivers, select a site location, and provide tables and chairs.
  • Community volunteers should be encouraged to become proficient in the rolling of prints so that they may be utilized in this program.
  • The Sheriff's Department shall be represented by community liaison or crime prevention deputies at each fingerprinting session. They shall oversee the operation and supervise Explorer's, Reserves, Interns or trained community members in the printing process.
  • Conduct the distribution of material and fingerprint the children on school campuses during weekends or other pre-arranged times. Shopping malls and large areas amenable to public gathering may also be used if interested community groups were to participate.
  • Community liaison or crime prevention deputies at each station shall have this program available for any interested group.
  • This program can also be administered at the station level on an individual or small group basis by deputy or auxiliary personnel. Printing may be coordinated with regularly scheduled "public" fingerprinting or during other pre-arranged times. Scheduling may be determined by the station commander. There shall be no cost for this service.
  • Assistance or expertise in coordination with volunteer and community groups is available through the Office of Special Programs.

In order to facilitate printing a large group of children, it is recommended that from four to six printing stations be established with additional accommodations to distribute the print cards, obtain waivers, answer questions and give directions.

Most of the patrol stations are currently equipped with only one or two cardholders and ink pads. Therefore, it is necessary for station commanders to develop a course of action for acquiring additional printing equipment from available community, school or departmental resources prior to total implementation of this program.

One suitable printing unit is the "Porelon Pad and Cardholder Combination." This unit is a porous pad with a two year supply of ink impregnated in each pad. The pad and cardholder are fastened to a non-skid formica covering board. To date, this type of unit appears to be the most suitable for this program due to its portability and ease of operation. This unit is available from the F. Morton Pitt Company in San Gabriel, phone [REDACTED TEXT]

Additional supplies that coordinators may want to procure are hand- cleaning supplies. A 2 1/2 pound can of "Sta Lube" hand cleaner or individually wrapped towelettes are also available through F. Morton Pitt Company. All orders should receive the prior approval of the respective Region's Budget sergeant.

In all cases, fingerprints shall be taken by the "rolling method" on the approved form using black fingerprinting ink. This will help ensure that the prints can be accurately taken and be suitable for investigating purposes.

"Operation Kid Print" will standardize this Department's effort in child fingerprinting programs, and will supersede any other form now in use.