86-031 Test and Distributing of Gunshot Residue Kits



Gunshot residue test kits enable field operations personnel to collect physical evidence indicating the possibility of discharging or handling of a firearm.

In the event a Gunshot Residue Test (GSR) is desired, the following considerations must govern the actions of field personnel:

  • Suspects should not be allowed to wash their hands or otherwise wipe or rub them clean; however, prudence also indicates the suspect should not be made aware of the reason for this protection.
  • The suspect should be handcuffed for transportation with his hands in front. This deviation from policy is suggested in order to prevent the destruction of evidence and should be used in conjunction with other safety measures such as safety belt restraints, handcuffing to belt loop, etc.
  • Arresting officers should not have handled a firearm prior to the arrest of the suspect.
  • Under no circumstances should any deviation from policy be utilized at the expense of officer safety.

This test should be conducted as soon as possible and always prior to booking the suspect. The test can be conducted in the field or at the station, the situation and officer safety concerns will dictate. When administering the test, personnel shall follow the sampling steps exactly as listed on the evidence kit envelopes.

Note: In 187 P.C. cases the GSR test will normally be conducted at the station by a responding homicide investigation team member. If, however, their response will be delayed, a GSR trained officer shall conduct the test at the direction of a Homicide Bureau representative.

All evidence collected shall be secured in the evidence locker pending pickup by the Crime Lab Evidence and Property Custodians.


GSR kits will are available for pick-up during regular business hours at the Beverly crime laboratory, 1800 Paseo Rancho Castilla, Los Angeles CA 90031 (Cal State LA campus). Distribution will be limited to ten (10) GSR kits per agency/unit. Exceptions to this policy will be made based on distance from the crime laboratory and past usage by the agency/unit.

Each case will be required to pass strict acceptance criteria before being assigned for analysis. In all cases, it will be required that the investigator contact the crime laboratory to communicate the case circumstances to accurately assess the need for analysis. Cases that are submitted without a verbal request for analysis and an explanation of case circumstances will be retained for a short period of time and then returned unexamined. All cases that are returned unexamined are clearly labeled as such.

All evidence collected shall be secured in the evidence locker pending pickup by Crime Lab Evidence and Property Custodians.