92-001 AT&T Language Line Services


AT&T Language Line Services have been implemented for use by the Field Operations Regions. The service provides 24-hour telephone-based translation service for 144 languages and dialects. Service is accessed through two 800 lines, one for emergencies and the other for non-emergent matters.

The 800 number for emergencies has been programmed into each station's speed dial system and is accessed by clicking on the icon labeled “LANGUAGE” for emergencies from the 911 transfer equipment. The 800 number for non-emergent calls has also been programmed into each station's speed dial system and is accessed by clicking the icon marked “LANGUAGE.” After the operator answers, click on “FLASH” to include the caller in the three-way call. Calls will be answered by a Spanish language interpreter who will verify the identity of the unit requesting interpretation by asking for the Client ID. (Each station has an identifying number unique to that station.) The interpreter will verify the language needed and connect the appropriate interpreter on the line. Desk personnel shall maintain control of the call until all necessary information is collected and exchanged. Conclusion of the call will occur when the desk person instructs/tells the interpreter, “End of Call.”

Deputies in the field shall use the non-emergent number [REDACTED TEXT] which can access the language line from any telephone. This number shall only be used when deputies are unable to locate a translator in the field or through the Department's civilian volunteer program in a reasonable period of time. They are also issued language identification brochures which will allow non-English speaking persons to identify their language by sight.


To utilize the AT&T language line service on 9-1-1 emergency calls:

  1. Click the icon labeled “LANGUAGE” which connects into the 9-1-1 system speed dial.
  2. When the operator answers, state what language translation is needed (if you know). If you do not know what language is being spoken by the caller, the language line operator will assist you.
  3. Give the Department ID number [REDACTED TEXT].
  4. State our Department name.
  5. State your employee number.
  6. The language line operator will then ask you to hold while you are connected to a translator.
  7. While waiting, you will hear a recorded message in ten different languages that advises the caller a translator will be immediately available.


If all attempts are unsuccessful to locate a Department member or civilian volunteer who speaks the language needing translation, station personnel shall:

  1. Click on the icon labeled “LANGUAGE” which connects to a 9-1-1 system speed dial. After the operator answers, click on “FLASH” to include the caller in a three-way call.
  2. Follow steps two through seven which are the same as those outlined above for emergent calls.

Personnel who are in the field when translation service is necessary shall dial the non- emergent number [REDACTED TEXT] directly.

If you have any questions regarding the service, please contact the Communications and Fleet Management Bureau at [REDACTED TEXT]


Language Identification Card