93-005 Sheriff's Community Advisory Committees



Public trust and support is vital to ensuring the success of the mission of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. To gain that public trust and support, we must foster a collaborative relationship with the public in determining the best course in achieving community order. While we must continually seek new and innovative ways to develop cooperative relationships with the communities we serve, direct community input can be best encouraged through the use of Community Advisory Committees. Therefore, each station shall establish that number of Community Advisory Committees which is necessary to be representative of the unincorporated communities served. Community advisory committees may also be established within contract cities at the discretion of the contract city officials.

Community Advisory Committees are intended to build a better understanding between the public we serve and the Sheriff's Department through education and communication. In addition, they will provide the Sheriff's Department with direct input from the public regarding local community issues and concerns and establish a true partnership between the community and their Sheriff's Department. Additionally, direct interaction between community and police provides greater insight into local conditions, circumstances and events of interest to law enforcement.


Community Advisory Committees shall serve to act as a liaison between their local Sheriff's Station and the communities it serves. They will consult with the concerned station commander and his or her staff on matters relating to public perception of law enforcement issues.

The scope of responsibilities for Community Advisory Committees shall include, but not be limited to:

  • Aiding their local station in determining the law enforcement focus for the community.
  • Advising their local station on matters relating to public perception of law enforcement issues, services and performance.
  • Enlisting community support for local law enforcement activities.
  • Representing the views of the local community relating to law enforcement efforts, programs, needs and concerns.
  • Assisting local station staff in the conceptualization of programs which are uniquely suited to the community's needs.
  • Assisting in establishing community partnerships and the education of the community to the needs and goals of law enforcement.

Community Advisory Committees shall meet at least quarterly, although meetings may occur as frequently as once a month if deemed appropriate. The unit commander should attend each meeting if possible. Additionally, each unit commander shall ensure that, when necessary, appropriate station personnel, i.e., Liaison Lieutenant, Detective, Team Leader, area patrol personnel, etc., attend the Community Advisory Committee meeting so any community needs or concerns that are raised at this forum are addressed.


Community Advisory Committee members shall be selected from the community at large and shall reflect the diversity of that particular community. The members shall be representative of the ethnic, religious, gender, labor, business, age, and overall composition of the general public and must reside or work within the area they serve.

Prospective members can be nominated to serve by any legitimate source, or from individual applications received as a result of local media advertising. Nominations can be made by local elected officials, representatives from various governmental agencies, members of local community organizations and service groups, or independent community members. When selecting committee members, the local unit commander shall ensure proper community representation and diversity.

Acceptance onto a Community Advisory Committee will be predicated upon the successful completion of a background check, performed via specified databases accessible by the Sheriff’s Department. This will include a criminal history, wants and warrants, and Department of Motor Vehicles check. Prospective members shall be made aware of these requirements at the time of application to the Community Advisory Committee.

Community Advisory Committee members shall:

Be a resident or business representative of the community represented.

Not be seeking or hold an elected office.

Not be involved in any criminal or civil dealings against the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.


Community Advisory Committee members shall receive a minimum of 24 hours of training to provide each member with a basic understanding of Sheriff's Department policy and procedures.

Training shall include, but not be limited to:

  • Organizational structure of the Sheriff's Department
  • Review of policy and procedures
  • Complaint procedures
  • Internal investigations
  • Peace Officer Bill of Rights
  • Review of relevant patrol training and procedures
  • Ride-along (quarterly)
  • Use of force/firearms
  • Criminal Justice System overview
  • Overview of existing local community programs

A standardized course outline will be provided to each unit commander with local station staff conducting the training.

Additional training covering topics not initially provided may be conducted at the request of the Community Advisory Committee according to need.


The size and number of station Community Advisory Committees shall be determined according to local needs and desires. The Committees will consist of a sufficient number of members to ensure fair community representation based upon community demographics.

The terms for Community Advisory Committee members shall be two years, with the exception of one-half of the first members selected, who shall serve only one-year terms in order to stagger the members' terms of service. Membership on an advisory committee is not restricted to a given number of terms; however, the station commander shall periodically review the membership to ensure that it is truly representative of community composition and needs.

Any Community Advisory Committee member who violates any of the afore-mentioned selection standards shall be removed from the Community Advisory Committee.

Service on the Community Advisory Committee is strictly voluntary. There will be no monetary compensation for Community Advisory Committee members as part of their service.


The Community Advisory Committees will have no formal involvement in the resolution or review of citizen complaints; however, they will perform a valuable service by serving as another conduit for personnel and service complaints and in the elimination of erroneous perceptions regarding Department procedures.