94-002 Training Safety Policy


All training shall be conducted in a manner which ensures the safety of personnel involved. Unit Commanders, training managers, and training supervisors shall be responsible for safe, relevant and practical training, including practical application (role playing) training during regular duty hours.

This responsibility includes but is not limited to:

  • Ensuring appropriate supervision during training
  • Ensuring instructor and student familiarity with and adherence to sound safety practices
  • Ensuring swift, effective response to training injuries, including first aid, medical treatment, notifications, and reporting

In addition to the general guidelines above, the following procedures shall be adhered to during any practical application training:

  • Personnel shall make notification to their supervisors.
  •  A sergeant shall be on site to coordinate/monitor training.
  • Discipline of all personnel during training shall be maintained.
  • Equipment and material needs should be identified and procured prior to the commencement of training.
  • The location and facilities should be conducive to the training to be delivered.
  • Notification and written authorization granted for use of an alternative facility or site, other than County owned property.
  • When an alternative facility or site is used, a plan to ensure public/community safety must be in effect. This must include notice to neighboring police agencies if the site is contiguous to their area.
  • Personnel shall be assigned to maintain safety and security for the training exercise.
  • Notify S.C.C. and request a restricted frequency. Station desk personnel should also be notified to monitor the training frequency.

The following safety rules shall be followed when practical application training exercises require the deployment of weapons:

  • During role-playing exercises, all participants shall use only Department approved red simulated handgun and shotgun replicas
  • During the training exercises all firearms, extra ammunition and magazines shall be secured in the supervisor's vehicle trunk (including instructor's and monitor's).
  • All other Department guidelines concerning the safe handling of weapons shall be adhered to.
  • All Department reporting procedures shall be in effect

While all hazards cannot be anticipated, safety must be the primary concern in any training situation.