95-003 Contract Cities Involvement in Assignment of Station Commanders and Dedicated Personnel



City Managers of our Contract Cities shall be provided an opportunity to select Station Commanders and personnel for dedicated positions within their cities. Dedicated positions are those that have direct and continuous liaison with the city manager's office and city staff, and are dedicated to the contract entity.

Station Change of Command

The City Manager or his or her representative will assist in the selection of new Station Commanders from a list of recommended candidates furnished by the Department. The process will require at least thirty days and will consist of the following steps:

  • Executive Planning Council (EPC) will meet to identify anticipated station vacancies (Identify candidates for promotion or movement)
  • EPC will develop a candidate list of two or more recommendations for each station, which may include some replication
  • Sheriff will approve or modify work of EPC
  • Area Commanders will notify affected City Managers at least ten days in advance of the potential movement affecting their Contract City
  • Resumes of candidates will be forwarded to cities
  • For each affected station, the Region Chief or Area Commander will coordinate a meeting of City Manager(s) to review resumes and/or interview candidates.

Any lack of selection or consensus will be resolved by the Sheriff.

Selection of Personnel for Dedicated Assignments (Excluding Bonus Deputy Positions)

The Unit Commander shall receive direct City Manager input in the selection of personnel for dedicated positions of that City. For "dedicated positions" at the rank of Deputy Generalist, Sergeant and Lieutenant, the Unit Commander shall submit two or more names to the City Manager for consideration and recommendation.

Note:  Deputies assigned to general patrol duties in the contract city are not included in this particular selection process.

In the assignment of Lieutenants to key station positions, i.e. city liaison, the Unit Commander will solicit input from the concerned City Manager.

Selection of Bonus Deputy Personnel for Dedicated Assignments

Assignments will be made pursuant to the provisions of the existing Memorandum of Understanding.