96-001 Motorcycle Traffic Enforcement



The purpose of this Field Operations Directive is to establish policies and procedures involving motorcycle traffic enforcement. These procedures provide consistency, reduce liability, and aid Unit Commanders in developing and maintaining motorcycle traffic enforcement units at their stations.


Personnel selected/assigned to the motorcycle program shall attend a forty hour Department sponsored pre-basic motorcycle training course and an eighty hour

P.O.S.T. approved basic motorcycle course. Upon satisfactory completion of both courses, candidates shall be assigned to a P.O.S.T. certified instructor for a street break-in period of one hundred and sixty hours. Instructors shall submit written evaluations on each candidate at weekly intervals. Street break-in training shall be conducted in the instructor’s station area.

Evaluations will be utilized to determine if further training or termination from the program is warranted. Candidates must successfully complete both phases of training to be assigned to a motorcycle patrol position.


To be considered for the program, a deputy:

  • Must be able to place both feet on the ground while sitting on a Department motorcycle [27801(a) C.V.C.] and, while straddling, back the motorcycle up a 6% incline.
  • Must be able to right a fallen Department motorcycle weighing approximately 650-700 pounds.
  • Must have successfully completed patrol training.
  • Must have received a competent or better evaluation for the previous two years.
  • Must possess a valid class "4" or "M" driver’s license.
  • Must be able to competently and safely perform all skills required by the position.

Unit Commanders should select a sufficient number of candidates to begin the training program to ensure the required number of candidates complete the program. A ratio of two candidates for each position is recommended for the first phase of the training program. The Department Motorcycle Sergeant assigned to Training Bureau is available to assist the Unit Commander in the selection process.

Successful completion of the pre-basic motorcycle course is based on the candidate's ability to demonstrate proficiency in completing P.O.S.T. standardized cone patterns and skill standards. Candidates will have written evaluations reviewed with them daily.

At the conclusion of the pre-basic motorcycle course, the Department Motorcycle Sergeant shall contact the concerned Unit Commander. The Unit Commander shall be notified which candidates are qualified to continue to the P.O.S.T. Basic Motorcycle Course. The Unit Commander shall then select the candidates that are to continue to the next phase of the training process, based upon the number of contract items.


Quarterly, all motor deputies shall be required to complete recurrent training exercises as determined by the Department Motorcycle Sergeant assigned to the Training Bureau.

Deputies failing to successfully complete a quarterly training course shall be placed with an instructor for an eight hour period. The deputy shall be given recurrent training to enable them to pass re-certification. If the deputy is still unable to pass the re- certification course, an individual course of action shall be developed at the direction of the Unit Commander and coordinated with the Department Motorcycle Sergeant assigned to the Training Bureau.


To enhance the ability of the Department in providing motorcycle traffic enforcement services to our contract cities, as well as decreasing potential liability issues, a Department Motorcycle Sergeant shall be assigned to the Training Bureau.

The Department Motorcycle Sergeant shall be responsible for training, supervision, record keeping, emergency mobilizations, and expertise with regard to motorcycle traffic enforcement. The Department Motorcycle Sergeant shall have limited functional supervision over all personnel assigned to motorcycle duties. The Department Motorcycle Sergeant will conduct annual inspections of motorcycle programs to be incorporated into unit command inspection reports. This sergeant shall liaison with the appropriate bureaus and stations to accomplish these tasks. The Department Motorcycle Sergeant shall maintain a Motorcycle Guidelines Manual.  Deputies beginning the street break-in phase of training shall be provided with a copy of this manual.

Additionally, the Department Motorcycle Sergeant shall be responsible for oversight of all aspects of motorcycle development and testing of new motorcycles and all related equipment for street enforcement as well as off road enforcement.

Installation of test equipment or modification of equipment on Department motorcycles must be approved by the Department Motorcycle Sergeant. Acquisition of motorcycles for specialized enforcement must also be coordinated with the Department Motorcycle Sergeant to prevent expenditure of funds for equipment that does not meet Department standards. In an effort to minimize the Department’s exposure to civil liability, testing of any new equipment related to motorcycle operations must be conducted by or under the direct supervision of the Motorcycle Training Detail staff.