99-009 Search/Arrest Warrant Operations Plan Format for Field Operations Regions


Recently, the Detective Bureau and Safe Streets Bureau began utilizing an Operations Plan designed for Search and Arrest Warrant operations. It follows the Emergency Operations Bureau format (EOP #2-5), except that it is designed specifically for operations which are usually short in duration. The new Operations Plan has been very successful in standardizing the ever-growing number of search and arrest warrants.

Beginning immediately, all personnel in Field Operations Regions initiating an Operations Plan incident to a Search and/or Arrest Warrant, shall use the Operations Plan format as described on the Department Intranet located at:


The new Operation Plan may also be accessed through Microsoft Outlook at Public Folders/All Public Folders/All forms/Detective/Operations Plan.

NOTE: This Operations Plan is for Search and Arrest warrant operations only. During tactical situations, field operations personnel shall continue to use the standard Operations Plan format as outlined in E.O.P. 2-5/050.00.

Once on the Intranet page titled “Operation Plans,” personnel may choose one of the following four categories:

  • Tutorial for using the Operations Plan form.
  • Operations Plan form (Electronic Version).
  • Operations Plan form (Lined Version to be printed for field use).
  • Operational Pre-briefing Roster form.