02-009 Station Feeding and Inmate Hygiene Procedures



The purpose of this Directive is to reinforce consistent and safe food handling practices by inmate food handlers at station jails.


A critical factor in preventing the outbreak of food borne illness is the ongoing supervision of inmate workers who are assigned to food handling duties. Title 15, Article 10, Section 1230, requires written procedures for the education and ongoing monitoring of acceptable sanitary practices and supervision of inmate workers at station jails.

The Department has developed a basic food handling training program for inmate workers assigned to food handling duties and staff whose duties include supervising the station jail operation. The Food Services Unit of the Correctional Services Division has produced a training video tape which is to be incorporated into this training program.

The training video contains two five-minute segments entitled: “Station Feeding and Hygiene for Inmates” and “Station Feeding and Hygiene for Staff.” There is a one- minute “gap” between segments. The training video provides step-by-step instructions in the areas of proper food handling procedures and personal hygiene. The Food Services Unit also authored an instructional brochure, “The Safe Food Handler - A Guide for Inmates,” for inmate workers assigned to food handling duties at the station jails. The intent of this brochure is to reinforce the importance of inmate workers maintaining proper hygiene and instilling procedures for safe food handling.


The following procedures shall be effective immediately and shall remain in effect until the Station Jail Manual is amended and/or this directive is rescinded.

The “Station Feeding and Hygiene for Inmates” training video shall be viewed by inmate workers assigned to food handling duties during their initial jail orientation. The inmate workers shall also receive the instructional brochure entitled: “The Safe Food Handler- A Guide for Inmates.” Written documentation indicating that the inmate workers viewed the video tape and received an instructional brochure shall be detailed on the Food Temperature and Food Handler Hygiene Log. On the first day of every month, all inmate workers assigned to food handling duties shall again view the training video. Written documentation indicating that the workers viewed the video tape shall be detailed on the Food Temperature and Food Handler Hygiene Log. This log shall be kept for two years.

Station jail personnel shall review the “Station Feeding and Hygiene for Staff” training video annually and upon assignment to the station jail. Written documentation shall be maintained in the employee’s training records.


The Food Temperature and Food Handler and Hygiene Log will be reviewed by the Environmental Health Evaluator during the bi-annual inspection of the station jail.

Documentation practices will also be reviewed yearly by the Field Operations Support Services Unit as part of the Command Inspection process for all station jails.