03-001 Code 5 Paul - Vehicle Pursuit Broadcasts



This Directive will establish procedures regarding the use of the duplex patch and the duties of field personnel during vehicle pursuits which enter the jurisdiction of another Sheriff's station. All procedures established by this Directive will remain in effect until the Manual of Policy and Procedures is amended and/or this Directive is rescinded.


On past occasions, Sheriff’s patrol units involved in pursuits have attempted to use the duplex patch to advise Sheriff's patrol units assigned to another station that the pursuit was entering their jurisdiction. Because of the lack of a definitive policy regarding such notifications, valuable information was not always dispersed in a timely manner, if at all.

Even if assistance is not requested, the need for this information for both officer and public safety reasons is of the utmost importance. When units are informed of pursuits entering their area, they are able to avoid traffic collisions with the pursuit vehicles and may react to the information by keeping civilians out of roadways to ensure their safety when pursuits pass their location.


The radio code “Code 5 Paul” shall be used when requesting the patch to broadcast information to LASD field units assigned to another station when a pursuit is approaching or has entered that station’s patrol area. Code 5 Paul shall be defined as, "Information only, an LASD vehicle pursuit is approaching or in the station area. Response is not requested nor authorized at this time." The mere request to relay information shall not be construed as an assistance request. A Code 5 Paul request may be made by the handling deputy, the watch commander in command of the pursuit, Aero units, or by an assisting deputy if circumstances demand.

An example of a Code 5 Paul request would be similar to the following:  “SCC, 216A is requesting a Code 5 Paul broadcast with Lennox Station.”

An example of the radio traffic Lennox field units would hear from SCC preceding a broadcast, would be similar to the following:  “Attention Lennox units for the following Code 5 Paul broadcast. Century units are in pursuit of a 211 vehicle heading west on Imperial Hwy. This is a Code 5 Paul broadcast for information only.”

The handling deputy’s pursuit broadcast will then be broadcasted on the effected station’s duplex patch.


Code 5 Paul does not authorize additional LASD field units to become involved in the pursuit.

Pursuing Units

Units involved in the pursuit shall adhere to all policies regarding Code 3 and pursuit driving (§5-09/200.15 - 210.25 MPP). The Code 5 Paul broadcast shall not be used to request assistance or back-up. If assistance or back-up is needed, the appropriate request should be made via the radio. Personnel closest to the location of the request shall be dispatched to respond.

Monitoring Units

Field units shall continue to adhere to their assigned duties pending a formal request for assistance or back-up. When assistance or back-up requests are made by an LASD patrol unit or handling station watch commander, units shall adhere to all orders given by their watch commander, as well as policies governing assistance requests, Code-3 driving, and pursuits.

Field units monitoring the broadcast may also use the Code 5 Paul broadcast to relay pertinent safety information to the units in the pursuit. Examples of such broadcasts are below.

“Attention Century units, you are approaching a major road construction area and heavy traffic on Imperial Hwy. and Normandie Ave.”

“Attention Century units, you are approaching an elementary school and there are children crossing the street. I am directing the children back onto the sidewalk.”

Units monitoring the pursuit broadcast may take action to enhance public safety during the pursuit. Keeping pedestrians out of roadways or blocking intersections to prevent traffic collisions may be done if duties permit. At no time should the deputy exercising these options violate policies governing Code 3 driving, nor shall safety standards be compromised.


This Directive does not alter watch commander duties during pursuits (MPP §5-09/210.10). Inter-Jurisdictional Pursuits as described in MPP §5-09/210.25 are pursuits conducted by law enforcement agencies other than the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and shall not apply to the procedures set forth in this Directive. In order to avoid misinterpretation of the policy and conflict with the procedures described in this Directive, a manual revision for this section is pending.

Watch commanders may also request a Code 5 Paul broadcast or assistance/back-up when their station units enter another LASD patrol area if a field deputy has not made the request.

The Code 5 Paul broadcast shall be terminated when any of the following circumstances has occurred:

  • Emergent or station radio traffic requires the broadcast be terminated,
  • The pursuit has left the station area and its imminent return is not apparent,
  • The pursuit has ended and there is no need for assistance,
  • There is no need for the broadcast to continue.


Upon receiving a Code 5 Paul request from a field deputy or the controlling station watch commander, the SCC dispatcher shall put concerned Sheriff’s stations on the duplex patch following the Code 5 Paul announcement. The SCC watch commander shall be responsible for communications coordination of the Code 5 Paul broadcast. In addition to monitoring the radio traffic, the SCC watch commander shall keep the concerned station watch commander informed and relay all orders to the field units, as well as assist in notifying other law enforcement agencies if requested or authorized by that station watch commander.

When the Code 5 Paul broadcast is no longer needed, the dispatcher shall drop the duplex patch and standard operating procedures shall resume.