04-001 Cash Register Operations



This Directive will establish procedures regarding the use of cash registers and the acceptance of funds at Sheriff's stations and storefronts. All policies, Field Operations Directives, Unit Orders, or any other document previously written which contradicts procedures set forth in this Directive shall be void. Procedures set forth in this Directive shall remain in effect until the Manual of Policy and Procedures is amended and/or this Directive is rescinded.


Many patrol stations have been issued cash registers to be used in lieu of the traditional lock box. The procedures described below shall apply to the use of the cash registers. Only those personnel designated by the watch deputy shall be authorized to use the cash register. The watch deputy shall authorize only one employee at a time to use the cash register. The watch deputy shall account for all monies in the cash register before authorizing another employee to use the cash register.

When a citizen requests services for which fees are applicable:

  • Have the citizen fill out a “Request for Information” form
  • Provide the service for which the fee was paid (e.g., fingerprints, repossession fees, reports, etc.)
  • Collect payment and enter transaction in the cash register
  • Give the citizen the register receipt
  • Put the form in the slip printer to print the transaction
  • “Request for Information” forms are to be maintained in a station file for a minimum of three years in accordance with receipt procedures described in MPP §3- 09/290.00

At the end of each shift, the watch deputy shall:

  • Gather all “Request for Information” forms
  • Perform a cash count of the money in the register
  • Run the “X” (read only) report on the right-hand side of the cash count sheet
  • Total the receipts as printed on the “Request for Information” forms
  • Compare the amount shown on the “X” report with the actual cash count
  • Verify the amount carried over to the next shift with the on-coming watch deputy
  • File the “X” reports in a station file and retain for a minimum of three years

The watch deputy, at the end of PM shift, shall perform the “Z” report function on the register to zero the machine.

Any cash overages or shortages shall be handled in accordance with MPP §3-05/080.00.

After a deposit is made, submit the following documents to Financial Programs Bureau - Special Accounts Unit:

  • The original “Z” report (Transmittal of Miscellaneous Fees)
  • Pink certified copy of the bank deposit ticket
  • Original white bank transaction record
  • Original void receipts (if any)
  • Supporting documents for witness fees, trust fund and miscellaneous items


In the event of a voided transaction, the person conducting the transaction shall:

  • Obtain watch sergeant approval and print “VOID” on the receipt normally given to the citizen
  • The watch sergeant shall review, approve, and void any incorrect or inaccurate transaction using their access key
  • Original copies of voided receipts are sent together with the Transmittal of Miscellaneous Fees to Financial Programs Bureau - Special Accounts Unit.
  • Photocopies are to be maintained in a station file for a minimum of three years in accordance with MPP §3-09/290.00


In the event that a citizen requests a refund, the following procedures shall be followed:

  • Have the person requesting the refund present the original register receipt
  • Verify the authenticity of the receipt against the archived “Request for Information” form
  • Have the citizen present identification that will verify the data on the “Request for Information” form
  • Have the citizen complete a refund request form
  • The watch commander will prepare a memo from the station commander to the manager of Financial Programs Bureau - Special Accounts Unit requesting a refund check for the citizen
  • Attach copies of the “Z” report and “Request for Information” forms to the memo


Stations shall be responsible for ensuring that all personnel operating cash registers are properly trained in their usage and familiar with Department policies governing the use of cash registers and the handling of miscellaneous fees. Assistance in training may be obtained through Financial Programs Bureau - Special Accounts Unit.


No monies shall be accepted by Sheriff’s personnel at storefront locations. Persons desiring to pay for services referenced in MPP §3-05/060.15 (Miscellaneous Fees Account Bank Deposits) shall be directed to the local Sheriff’s Station. Persons desiring to pay for any city services shall be referred to the appropriate city employee and/or location.