The purpose of this Field Operations Directive is to establish guidelines for police activity initiated outside assigned reporting districts and/or jurisdictional boundaries of the station area by uniformed Sheriff’s Department personnel. It does not apply to those arrests/citizen contacts made out of the area where the police activity began in the assigned area.
Deputy personnel assigned to a Patrol Division in a uniformed patrol capacity shall devote their full attention to their assigned reporting district(s) unless one of the following situations exists:
Deputy personnel who are absent from their assigned reporting district(s) and unable to justify the necessity of their “out of area” activity are in violation of this policy.
Additionally, deputies who routinely initiate “out of area” activities are in violation of this policy.
Each patrol station Unit Commander shall ensure the routine review of the Deputy Daily Worksheets and monitoring of the frequency of arrests and/or activities that occur outside assigned reporting districts and/or jurisdictional boundaries of the station area.
Problematic areas shall be addressed promptly by the concerned employee’s supervisor and actions taken shall be documented by the supervisor in a written memorandum to the Unit Commander.