08-002 Temporary Restraining Orders Web Base Database (CARPOS Confirmation System)



The Court Services Division, Civil Management Bureau has created an online database to track protective orders entered into the California Restraining and Protective Order System (CARPOS) by our Department personnel. This database known as the CARPOS Confirmation System will track domestic violence, civil harassment, workplace violence, elder abuse, juvenile, and criminal protective orders. The database will not track Emergency Protective Orders (EPO), but will provide Department personnel with the ability to view protective orders and proofs of service via the internet.


The CARPOS Confirmation System provides a chronological listing of all orders related to a specific File Control Number (FCN), including current orders and proofs of service. The database will help personnel determine if an order is valid and/or if the order had been served. It will also assist personnel when more than one order has been produced by either one or both of the parties involved.

The CARPOS Confirmation System may be accessed through the Court Services Division’s internet website.   See the attached instructions for use.   The database may be accessed through any computer with an internet connection.   The thirteen (13) digit, CARPOS FCN, issued by the Department of Justice (DOJ), is required to search the database.   The FCN starting with the first three digits of “232" indicate that those orders were entered into CARPOS by our Department.   Only those orders entered by our Department are currently available to view in the database.     Personnel may run either party’s name on the MDC or JDIC under the Restraining Order System Inquiry screen to obtain the FCN.

The California courts are mandated by state law to inform a protected party to provide a copy of the protective order to their local law enforcement agency.  Therefore, stations will continue to receive  protective orders.   When a station receives a protective order, the station personnel shall:

  • Accept the order from the protected party;
  • Determine if the order has been entered in both CARPOS and CARPOS Confirmation System;
  • If the order has not been entered in both systems, a copy of the order shall be forwarded to the station’s nearest Civil Management Bureau office for data entry in either one or both systems;
  • The station’s court deputy(s) and/or other predesignated detective personnel shall be tasked with delivering protective orders and proofs of service to the station’s nearest Civil Management Bureau office;
  • These documents shall be delivered daily by the designated personnel, excluding weekends, holidays, and time off (scheduled and unscheduled);
  • If the designated delivery personnel has scheduled or unscheduled time off (excluding weekends and holidays), it is the station’s responsibility to contact the station’s nearest Civil Management Bureau office to arrange for Court Services Division’s personnel to pick-up the documentation.
  • Station clerical staff will no longer make CARPOS entries of protective orders with the exception of Emergency Protective Orders (EPO).                  
  • EPOs will remain a station responsibility.

At the present, all orders entered directly into the CARPOS system by an outside agency will not be available on the CARPOS Confirmation System.

For information regarding the CARPOS Confirmation System, contact Court Services Division, Civil Management Bureau, at [REDACTED TEXT]