09-006 Parolee Management Program



The purpose of this Field Operations Directive is to establish a station-level Parolee Management Program.

Policy and Procedures

To ensure the safety of the communities we serve, every station shall create and implement a Parolee Management Program (PMP) in order to effectively monitor parolees within their jurisdiction.  This will require unit commanders to identify at least one dedicated investigator, and other sworn personnel as necessary, to be assigned to the PMP.  Specific duties of assigned personnel include:

  • Establish working relationships with local parole agents and Parole and Community Team (PACT) Meeting coordinators.
  • Attend all local PACT meetings at local Parole Offices in order to interview, photograph, and gather intelligence on every parolee being released to the station’s jurisdiction.
  • Utilize local, state, and federal databases to review and update parolee information.
  • Actively identify, target, and apprehend “Parolees at Large” (PAL’s) who were released to the station’s jurisdiction.
  • Interact with station detectives and crime analysts to identify crime trends and compare information of known parolees.
  • Conduct routine and target specific searches of parolee residences to combat crime and ensure compliance with parole conditions (All search operations will comply with existing Department policy and directives).
  • Conduct regular joint meetings with neighboring agencies and stations to share information on crime trends and parolee information.
  • Collaborate with local Sheriff’s stations, police departments and state parole to conduct regional, multi-agency parolee compliance checks and Parolee-at-Large operations.
  • An Operations Plan along with a Risk Assessment sheet shall be written and completed for any search operation involving a parolee.
  • All personnel involved in any operation shall attend an operation briefing prior to the search operation.
  • Records shall be maintained for five years from the completion of each operation by the unit conducting the operation.  The records shall be tracked by unique URN numbers with a statistical code of 810.

After an Operations Plan is approved, a notification shall be made to the L.A.S.D. watch commander or the watch commander at the Local Law Enforcement Agency which has jurisdiction for the location to be searched.

The parolee compliance check or search shall be conducted as required by policy, including but not limited to MPP Sections 5-09/465.00 through 5-09/465.60 (Search Operations).

An incident report (SH-R-49) shall be used to document the search along with a search operation preparation checklist (SH-R-461). 

Statistical code 810 shall be used to draw an URN for a search operation in lieu of the old RIB number.  This search operation URN will be different from a traditional URN. For example, a search operation conducted in Carson in 2012 would be: 12-109-1615.  The format is xx-xxx-xxxx, a 2 digit year followed by a sequential number (does not require digit filling zeros as in a traditional URN number), and 4 digit reporting district.  No statistical code will be at the end of the URN since this format is unique for only the 810 statistical code. 

If a crime report is written as a result of the search operation, an additional URN will be obtained for the crime or incident and cross referenced with the 810 URN.

In the event nothing illegal was found or seized, statistical code 810 shall be used to document the search on an Incident Report (SH-R-49) with the classification line stating “Parole Compliance Search /NC/ 810" (NC = No Crime). A Search Operation Preparation Checklist (SH-R-461) shall be attached.

The pre/post search video recording and all pertinent documentation shall be included in the search package with the search documentation checklist (SH-AD-689) attached to the outside of the envelope.

This Field Operations Directive shall apply to those parolees who were paroled prior to the implementation of AB109 (October 1, 2011).  Unless they are one of the specified exceptions, those who are paroled after October 1, 2011, are assigned to a County Parole Compliance Team (PCT) which is described in F.O.D. 12-04 Parole Compliance Teams (PCT) and Supervision of Post-Release Supervised Persons (PSP) Program.