7-03/000.05 Fixed Restraints

Fixed restraints are the application of any handcuffs, shackles or transportation chain permanently or temporarily affixed to an immovable object (e.g. tables, chairs, benches, stools, rail, ring or bolt, etc.), which are designed to limit the movement of an inmate within a custodial environment. The utilization of fixed restraints is a security tactic intended to provide additional safety for all inmates and staff. The use of fixed restraints outside of a custody facility (e.g., hospitals or a dialysis clinic), shall be governed by Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 5-03/100.00, "Inmate Detention at Hospitals."

Fixed restraints shall never be used as a form of punishment and shall only be used in the least restrictive means and for the shortest period of time necessary to provide safety.

Inmates in fixed restraints shall be placed in a location in direct and unobstructed visual observation of custody personnel. Inmates shall not be placed in fixed restraints in an area that jeopardizes the safety and security of the inmate or custody personnel. Custody personnel shall refer to CDM section 7-03/000.10, "Security Restraints and Separation/Isolation of Inmates" for procedures regarding inmates who are placed in areas with an obstructed view or the separation and/or isolation of an inmate.

When possible, the application of fixed restraints should occur in areas where fixed video surveillance (CCTV) is available. Where CCTV is unavailable, a video camera shall be used to document fixed restraint protocols once an inmate is restrained in excess of three (3) hours.

When any inmate is placed in fixed restraints, the supervising sergeant for that location shall be notified promptly and provided with the location and the reason the inmate was placed in fixed restraints. If the inmate appears to be in a mental health crisis, custody staff will immediately refer the inmate to Correctional Health Services (CHS) mental health personnel.

As soon as practicable, but no later than fifteen (15) minutes after the application of the fixed restraint, Department personnel shall initiate documentation of the inmate's monitoring in the Fixed Restraint Log (SH-J-475). At least once every fifteen (15) minutes and until the inmate is removed from the fixed restraint, personnel shall conduct and document a safety check of the inmate, during which they shall verify that the restraint is not causing undue pain, injury, or an obvious medical problem.

In addition, the name of the sergeant who approved the fixed restraints, the reason(s) for the application, the time the fixed restraints were applied, and all activities (e.g. restroom breaks, meals, medical or psychological evaluations, clergy visits, etc.) and times the inmate participated in each activity shall be documented in the housing location's (or nearest location) electronic or paper version of the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL/UDAL).

The responsible sergeant shall evaluate the application of fixed restraints and approve their continued use, if reasonable. At least once every hour, a sergeant shall conduct an inmate safety check of all inmates in fixed restraints in areas under their supervision. During this check, the sergeant shall reassess whether or not each inmate needs to remain in fixed restraints and ensure each inmate has been provided access to toilet facilities and drinking water. If regularly scheduled meals are being served, they shall be offered to the inmate in conjunction with this hourly check. After four (4) hours, the watch commander shall be notified and respond to the location of the inmate(s) to evaluate the application of fixed restraints and approve their continued use. The watch commander shall conduct an inmate safety check, similar to that of the sergeant, at least once every four (4) hours.

The responsible sergeant shall ensure a medical evaluation is conducted by medical personnel at least once every two (2) hours. Any refusals for medical evaluation shall be made by the inmate directly to medical personnel. The refusal shall be documented by the sergeant in the e-UDAL and by medical personnel in the inmate's EMR (Electronic Medical Record).

Unless the inmate is recalcitrant and the transfer of restraints cannot be accomplished safely, fixed restraints shall be alternated once an hour from one arm/leg to the other, so not to affect the inmate's range of motion. If the hourly fixed restraint alternation is not accomplished, the responsible sergeant shall be notified.

When an inmate in fixed restraints becomes recalcitrant, a sergeant shall be notified immediately. The sergeant shall respond to the location and handle the inmate as described in CDM section 7-02/020.00, "Handling Insubordinate, Recalcitrant, Hostile, or Aggressive Inmates." Custody personnel shall not remove fixed restraints from a recalcitrant inmate except at the direction of a supervisor of the rank of sergeant (or higher).

Exceptions to the procedures outlined may be made when fixed restraints are utilized during routine procedures (e.g., IRC clinic and inmate visiting), when used in conjunction with security treatment chairs for the purposes of out-of-cell programming for highly dangerous inmates, when used in High Observation Housing (HOH) or Moderate Observation Housing (MOH) areas, or for inmates awaiting housing in the Correctional Treatment Center (CTC). These exceptions must be clearly outlined in the facility's unit order. Refer also to CDM section, 7-03/000.15, "Security Restraints in Mental Health Housing."

If an inmate remains in fixed restraints in excess of six (6) hours, notification and consultation shall be made with the facility's unit commander and documented in the Watch Commander's Log.

If an inmate remains in fixed restraints in excess of eight (8) hours, notification and consultation shall be made with the facility's commander and documented in the Watch Commander's Log.

Unless determined to be part of a use of force package, completed copies of the Fixed Restraint Log shall be submitted to the respective facility operations staff, who shall ensure the forms are retained in accordance with CDM section 4-13/000.00, "Retention of Records," and are available for subsequent review and/or audits as appropriate.