7-08/040.00 Specialty Impact Munitions

Authorized specialty impact munitions are less lethal crowd control and individually targeted ordnances which are fired from the 40mm baton launching system and the .68 caliber Fabrique Nationale Herstal 303 (FN303) Less Lethal Launcher. The following weapons and munitions are approved for use within custody:


  • Penn Arms, Model 1377, multi-launcher
  • Defense Technology, Model 1325, rifled single shot, full stock launcher
  • FN303 Less Lethal Launcher
  • Defense Technology 40 MM Tactical 4-Shot Launcher, Model 1377


  • 40B (containing .60 caliber rubber balls)
  • 40F (containing 3 foam batons with a height of 1.0 inch and a diameter of 1.4 inches)
  • eXact iMpact XM 1006 (silver aluminum casing containing 1 projectile consisting of a plastic body and a foam sponge nose with a height of 2.48 inches and a diameter of 1.6 inches)
  • Extended Range eXact iMpact XM 1006 (black aluminum casing containing 1 projectile consisting of a plastic body and a foam sponge nose with a height of 2.40 inches and a diameter of 1.6 inches)                                                           
  • Muzzle Blast “CS” (Powder Dispersion Round)
  • Muzzle Blast “OC” (Powder Dispersion Round)
  • FN303 fires a .68 caliber fin stabilized projectile with a payload of .78 grams. There are two rounds authorized to be used with the FN303. The duty round, which is filled with O.C. (pava powder) and the inert powder round that may be used for training purposes

These munitions are designed as tools that may be utilized during tactical entries and special operations that may be encountered within Custody Services Division facilities.

The FN303 may be utilized as an area treatment device to deploy chemical agents and as a direct fire weapon against an assaultive and/or high risk individual. When used as a direct fire weapon, the FN303's maximum effective range against a point target is 50 meters (164 feet). The minimum standoff distance is three (3) feet. Personnel discharging this weapon shall avoid deliberately shooting anyone in the head, neck, or spinal column unless the situation dictates the use of deadly force. In such instances, personnel will be held accountable for their decision to use deadly force in accordance with relevant Department policies including, but not limited to, Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP) section 3-10/030.00, "Unreasonable Force," and MPP section 3-10/100.00, "Use of Force Reporting Procedures."

The intended target zone is low center mass, unless the situation dictates otherwise (i.e., preferred area is obstructed, other areas of the body may be targeted back and arms). Warning shots shall not be fired under any circumstances. Personnel should always be aware of their backdrop and if the target is obstructed. See Custody Division Manual section 7-08/090.00, "Less Lethal Launcher."

The Extended Range eXact iMpact XM 1006 shall not be used to engage targets that are at a distance of less than thirty three (33) feet, absent of life threatening situations, and shall be limited to outdoor and/or long distance applications only. Although classified as less lethal weapons, their potential to inflict serious injuries cannot be dismissed. Due to this potential, absent life threatening situations, personnel firing munitions shall avoid deliberately shooting anyone in the head, neck, or spinal column, or at distances of less than five (5) feet. The intended target zone for eXact iMpact munitions is low center mass, unless the situation dictates otherwise (i.e., recommended target area is obstructed, other areas of the body may be targeted such as back or hands). Personnel shall always be aware of the backdrop when engaging a target.

40B (.60 caliber rubber ball) rounds shall not be fired at anyone above the knees unless there are life threatening circumstances. These rounds are designed to be skip fired or direct fired at or below the knees of an intended target. They shall not be used to fire warning shots under any circumstances.

The purpose of these munitions is to facilitate a safe, effective, response to situations that may jeopardize the life and safety of our personnel, inmates, and/or the security and operation of a facility.

The goals of deploying specialty impact munitions are for the protection of life and property, and the restoration of order in a custody facility.

Any use of Specialty Impact Munitions must be in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations as referenced in Departmental training.

Personnel will be considered qualified to use the weapons systems only after attending, and successfully completing, a training class presented by the Custody Training and Standards Bureau. Refer to CDM section 7-08/000.00, "Deployment of Special Weapons." All personnel utilizing these weapons systems shall do so only when fully justified, and in conformance with:

  • The Department's Manual of Policy and Procedures use of force policies,
  • The Custody Division Manual, section 7-08/000.00, “Deployment of Special Weapons,”
  • Specialty impact munitions shall only be used as part of a tactical plan, and shall not be used against passive resisters, or to punish an inmate.