7-08/060.00 Baton Launching Weapon Systems

The Baton Launching Weapon System is designed as a less lethal specialty impact weapon. There are three authorized baton launching weapon configurations: the Defense Technology, Model #1325 and #1425, rifled single shot, full stock launcher, and the Penn Arms, Model #1377, multi-launcher.

The weapons are designed to be utilized during tactical entries and special operations which may be encountered in the Custody Services Divisions.

Although classified as less lethal weapons, these systems are considered to be firearms and their potential to inflict serious or fatal injuries cannot be dismissed. Due to this potential, other options should be given serious consideration prior to their use. In addition, these weapons shall not be employed against inmates during inmate extractions, unless they are armed or pose a substantial threat of inflicting serious bodily injury upon any person.  Personnel discharging these weapons shall avoid deliberately shooting anyone in the head, neck, or spinal column unless the situation dictates the use of deadly force. Warning shots shall not be fired under any circumstances.

The purpose of these weapon systems is to facilitate a safe and effective response to situations which jeopardize the life and safety of personnel, public, inmates, and/or the security and operations of a custody facility.

The deployment of these weapons is a decisive action that can help achieve the goal of protection of life and property, and the restoration of order in custody facilities. In no instance will authorization be given for the use of these weapons by other than authorized personnel. Refer to Custody Division Manual (CDM), section 7-08/000.00, "Deployment of Special Weapons." All members utilizing this weapon system shall do so only when fully justified, and in conformance with the Department's use of force policies and CDM section 7-08/000.00, "Deployment of Special Weapons."

Members will be considered qualified to use the weapon only after attending, and successfully completing, the required training class presented by the Custody Training and Standards Bureau (CTSB).