7-07/010.00 Custody Force Response Team

The goal of the Custody Force Response Team (CFRT) is to ensure high quality force investigations through incident oversight and investigative evaluation; however, the CFRT’s involvement in reviewing incidents shall not delay the Department’s force investigation. 

The CFRT is comprised of sergeants, designated to respond to specific force incidents, where they shall monitor various aspects of the inquiry including but not limited to, interviewing participant employees, inmates, and witnesses, examining any video or evidence and monitoring the facility supervisor as they conduct their inquiry. 

CFRT Notification

Watch commanders shall make immediate verbal notification to the CFRT lieutenant whenever any of the following force incident criteria are present:

  • Significant inmate injuries as a result of employee contact or alleged contact
  • Significant employee injuries as a result of inmate contact
  • Taser use
  • Carotid restraint
  • Total Appendage Restraint  Procedure (TARP) application
  • All inmate extractions during which force is used
  • Assaults on staff involving a use of force
  • Emergency Response Team (ERT) activations during which force is used
  • Personal weapons used, resulting in significant inmate injury
  • Impact Weapon/shod foot used resulting in inmate injury
  • Any head strikes, including the head striking any fixed/hard object
  • Watch commander discretion
  • On any force incident when Internal Affairs Bureau responds and handles (notification only)

Note: Significant injuries consist of more than minor redness, swelling, or bruising.  Complaints of pain will not be considered notification criteria unless the complaint is regarding the head, neck, spine, or may possibly be indicative of an internal injury.

In addition, watch commanders may notify the CFRT lieutenant whenever he or she believes that the investigation of a force incident requires additional oversight and expertise.

All notifications shall be made through Sheriff’s Information Bureau: (213) 229-1700.


CFRT Response

The CFRT lieutenant shall evaluate the information and determine if a response is appropriate and, if so, shall notify the unit commander or his designee that the CFRT shall oversee the force investigation and assign a response team sergeant to act as an on-scene resource, provide information, guidance, analysis and recommendations.

In the course of reviewing the incident, the response team sergeant may give specific direction to the handling supervisor, if appropriate.  The facility supervisor has the primary responsibility of handling and documenting the force incident; however, the CFRT has the authority to take control and assume responsibility for the investigation.  In the event of policy violations the CFRT lieutenant may initiate a request for an administrative (internal) investigation, through proper channels.   

In examining force incidents, response team sergeants shall pay particular attention to events that precipitated the use of force and the tactics used.  In incidents where multiple employees are participants, additional focus shall be placed on the actions of responding personnel and the tactics involved in their engagement.


Unit Commander Duties

The unit commander shall forward the completed Use of Force package to the Custody Training and Standards Bureau (CTSB) captain no later than 30 days after the incident.  The force investigation will then be scheduled for a CFRC review hearing.  Refer to Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 7-07/020.00, “Custody Force Review Committee,” for further information.
When an unforeseen circumstance interferes with a unit’s ability to meet the above stated time lines, the unit commander shall advise the CFRC chairperson (commander) and formally request an extension in writing, explaining the reason for the delay.