7-03/000.10 Security Restraints and Separation/Isolation of Inmates

For the purposes of this policy, a "security restraint" includes handcuffs, waist chains, Safety Chairs, and/or fixed restraints. Temporary separation and/or isolation includes any area that is not in unobstructed visual observation of custody personnel. Unobstructed visual observation means continuous but not necessarily uninterrupted observation within a reasonable physical distance of the inmate(s). While maintaining unobstructed visual observation, custody personnel are permitted to perform other routine tasks if the at-risk inmate(s) remain in view with clear sight lines.

In the event an inmate is placed in security restraints while temporarily separated and/or isolated, or refuses to have security restraints removed while temporarily separated and/or isolated, the procedures and notifications outlined in CDM section 7-03/000.05 "Fixed Restraints" shall be followed in addition to the following:

  • The inmate shall not be placed in a cell or isolated area with any other inmates who are not in security restraints
  • If the sergeant determines that the behavior of the inmate dictates that they shall remain in security restraints or if the inmate refused to have the security restraints removed, the handling sergeant shall direct custody personnel to conduct inmate safety checks every fifteen (15) minutes. The safety checks shall be documented with the handheld Title 15 barcode scanners. If the Title 15 scanner is not operational or if the area/cell being checked does not contain a bar code, a manual entry stating that an inmate safety check has been completed and the time the handcuffs or waist chain were placed on the inmate shall be documented in the "Additional Information" section of the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL)
  • The sergeant shall notify the watch commander at the completion of their initial assessment of the inmate
  • Custody personnel conducting the inmate safety checks every fifteen (15) minutes shall look at the inmate to determine if the inmate is in any type of physical distress (e.g. not breathing, skin discoloration, abrasions or bleeding around any area where the restraints were applied, or any other symptom which would require medical assistance). If the inmate appears to be in medical distress, custody personnel shall summon medical personnel immediately
  • An inmate who is restrained and temporarily isolated shall be provided the opportunity to use toilet facilities, consume scheduled meals, and be given access to drinking water. The sergeant shall be present if the security restraints are removed for the purposes of providing the inmate with access to toilet facilities, drinking water, or regularly scheduled meals. The sergeant shall document these actions in the housing location's e-UDAL
  • If the sergeant determines that due to the inmate's behavior, the continued use of security restraints is necessary, the sergeant shall continue to evaluate the inmate at least once every hour. The sergeant shall document these evaluations in the housing location's UDAL
  • If the sergeant determines the security restraints are no longer necessary or the inmate complies with the removal of the security restraints, the sergeant shall order the removal of the restraints in their presence. The time the security restraints were removed and the reason(s) why they were removed shall be documented in the housing location's e-UDAL
  • If the inmate remains in security restraints for a period of more than one (1) hour from the initial notification to the watch commander, and the sergeant has determined that the security restraints should not be removed, the sergeant shall consult with the watch commander. The watch commander shall personally evaluate the behavior of the inmate and determine the next course of action
  • The watch commander should consider implementing the inmate extraction procedures for inmates who continue to refuse to have security restraints removed after one (1) hour of being temporarily separated/isolated (refer to CDM section 7-01/050.05 "Inmate Extraction Procedures")
  • If the watch commander determines that the security restraints should not be removed, the watch commander shall ensure that the following inmate safety checks are completed by the following personnel:

Custody personnel

Once per 15 minutes


Once per hour

Watch commander

Once per four (4) hours

  • Supervisors conducting these checks shall continue to reassess the need for the inmate to remain handcuffed or waist chained and ensure they are provided the opportunity to use toilet facilities, consume scheduled meals, and given access to drinking water. All supervisory inmate safety checks shall be documented with a portable video camera. For use of a portable video camera and retention period of recordings, refer to CDM section 7-06/010.00 "Video Recording Procedures."
  • The responsible sergeant shall ensure that a medical evaluation is conducted by medical personnel at least once every two (2) hours. Any refusals for medical evaluation shall be made by the inmate directly to medical personnel. The refusal shall be documented by the sergeant in the e-UDAL and by medical personnel in the inmate's EMR (Electronic Medical Record)

If an inmate remains in security restraints while being separated/isolated, in excess of six (6) hours, notification and consultation shall be made with the facility's unit commander and documented in the Watch Commander's Log.

If an inmate remains in security restraints while being separated/isolated, in excess of eight (8) hours, notification and consultation shall be made with the facility's commander and documented in the Watch Commander's Log.