5-05/060.00 Escape Notifications

Whenever an inmate is suspected or known to have left a place of confinement (with or without fences) without authorization, the watch commander shall ensure the following notifications are made immediately:

  • Facility Main Control
  • Unit commander and area commander
  • Custody Support Services Bureau (CSSB)
  • Custody Investigative Services Unit (CISU)
  • Department Operations Center (DOC)
  • Major Crimes Bureau, Escape Unit by telephone (If the escape is made during evening or early morning hours, notification shall be made to the DOC)
  • Inmate Reception Center (IRC)
  • The local police agency or appropriate Sheriff's station
  • Sheriff's Communication Center for broadcast
  • Request Aero Bureau support if warranted
  • Court Services Transportation Bureau
  • Other notifications as directed by the unit commander or appropriate authority

All other notifications shall be recorded in the facility log.


Notification to the appropriate Superior Court judge is required under the following circumstances:

  • An inmate escapes from Sheriff’s custody
  • An inmate is erroneously released
  • An inmate walks away from a custodial work detail.

Judicial notification is not required for inmates who violate the terms of electronic monitoring.

Upon notification during normal business hours, the Inmate Reception Center (IRC) shall, as soon as possible, notify the Court Services Security Operations Unit of the escape. The Court Services Security Operations Unit will then make proper notification to the trial judge.

When notification of an escape is received after normal business hours, IRC shall contact DOC, who will notify the on-call Court Services Security Operations personnel.

When an escapee is captured, Major Crimes Bureau - Escape Unit will immediately contact the Court Services Security Operations Unit. The Court Services Security Operations Unit will notify the trial judge that the inmate is in custody.


Pursuant to Department Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP) section 5-03/185.00, "Escaped Adult Prisoners," the watch commander of the facility where the escape occurred shall immediately notify IRC. The facility shall follow-up and confirm all escape information via Justice Data Interface Controller (JDIC) teletype to IRC.

The IRC watch deputy shall be responsible for ensuring that a "want" for the escaped inmate is immediately entered into the Countywide Warrant System (CWS). Based on the “want” information, any law enforcement agency inquiring into the CWS regarding the escapee would be advised to detain the individual and notify Sheriff's Department personnel. There is no bail associated with a "want."

Document Control personnel at IRC shall attach a copy of the CWS "want" and a copy of the confirming JDIC teletype to the inmate's original booking jacket and forward to the Major Crimes Bureau, Escape Unit.

The Escape Unit assumes jurisdiction of the escape case, cancels the CWS "want" and obtains a warrant for the escaped inmate.


The unit commander or his designee shall be responsible for ensuring that the following documentation is forwarded in a timely manner to the CSSB Incident Review Team

  • Copy of the Inmate Escape Load Sheet (SH-J-435)
  • Copy of the signed Chief’s Memorandum from the Captain of the facility to the Chief of the Division
  • Copy of the Incident Report (SH-R-49)
  • Copy of all supplemental reports.