5-16/000.00 Guidelines for Photographing and Videotaping Inmates

All photographing and videotaping requests by outside groups, individuals, or companies shall be approved by Sheriff’s Headquarter’s Film and Media Unit.

The Unit Commander or his designee shall be responsible for ensuring that the guidelines for photographing and videotaping inmates are followed:

  • All inmates photographed or videotaped shall be sentenced and shall be required to sign a “Photographing and Videotaping Consent” waiver
  • Inmates that are not sentenced are required to obtain written consent from their lawyer prior to appearing in any photograph or videotape
  • Inmates represented by a public defender shall obtain written permission from the Public Defender’s office
  • Federal inmates shall not be photographed or videotaped unless written approval is obtained from the United States Marshal’s Service
  • A copy of the waiver(s) and/or the letter(s) of consent from the lawyer shall be retained by the facility for a minimum of two years
  • General or random photographing of inmates shall not be permitted
  • Inmates who are photographed shall not be in possession of their picture. In any such instance where an inmate would receive a copy of their picture, the photograph shall be mailed to an address specified by the inmate
  • Television cameras and still cameras, not used for official business by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department personnel, shall not be allowed inside a custody facility unless prior approval is obtained from a Division Chief or his designated Area Commander

This policy does not apply to Sheriff’s Department personnel who obtain video, photographs, or other types of media while in pursuit of their official duties or within the requirements set forth in Custody Division Manual section 7-06/010.00, “Video Recording Procedures.”