The Title 15 Compliance Officer assists the Sheriff’s Department in complying with the guidelines of Title 15. Personnel designated as a Title 15 Compliance Officer shall be assigned at the beginning of shift and shall hold this responsibility for the entirety of the shift, unless re-assigned by a supervisor at the permanent rank of Sergeant or above. Personnel assigned as the Title 15 Compliance Officer shall be designated on the daily in-service sheet. Each housing area shall have a minimum of one person assigned as the Title 15 Compliance Officer. The Title 15 Compliance Officer shall personally perform all assigned functions unless properly relieved or as directed by a supervisor at the permanent rank of Sergeant or above.
The Title 15 Compliance Officer’s primary responsibility shall be to comply with Title 15, Article 3, Section 1027 and Custody Division Manual section 4-11/030.00, “Inmate Safety Checks.” The duties of the Title 15 Compliance Officer include, but are not limited to:
Unit Commanders shall ensure duty statements of the Title 15 Compliance Officer are written and made available to all line personnel. It shall be the ultimate responsibility of each facilities’ Unit Commander to ensure that there are adequate Title 15 Compliance Officers assigned and conducting their duties as required in this policy. Additionally, Unit Commanders shall include a summary of the Title 15 Compliance Officer program in their quarterly accountability reports.