5-14/050.00 Alleged over Detentions

Any custodial personnel receiving information, or a complaint from an inmate who alleges that his release date has expired, or otherwise alleges over detention, shall immediately notify the Inmate Reception Center Records Unit (Document Control), Head Clerk's Office and request an investigation of the inmates allegation. Such notification shall be documented in the Unit Daily Activity Log (UDAL) and shall include: 

  • The name and employee number of the person contacted at the Inmate Reception Center
  • The date and time of the notification  

The Inmate Reception Center shall immediately, upon notification of a possible over-detention, conduct an investigation into the inmate's allegation. Inmates who are determined to be over-detained shall be processed for immediate release. The watch commander shall be notified of all over-detentions and shall ensure that all appropriate over-detention reports are completed.