3-06/055.10 Department Radios

Department personnel are issued a Department radio for use during work hours. Each unit shall maintain a master radio control log, specifying the assigned member’s radio make, model, and serial number.

All radio transmissions within Custody Services Division facilities are recorded via the Department Voice Print Systems. For audio recording procedures refer to Custody Division Manual section 7-06/010.00, “Video and Audio Recording Procedures.”

Department personnel, who have not been issued a radio capable of operating on the channel of the facility where they are assigned (overtime, CARP, etc.) or do not have their issued radio, shall be loaned a radio by the unit to which they are assigned.  Each unit shall maintain a Loaned Radio control log and recover the loaned radio at the end of their shift.

Department personnel shall exercise reasonable and prudent precautions to prevent loss, theft, or damage of their issued radio. In the event of the loss, theft, or damage of any Department issued radio, Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP) section, 3-07/010.40 “Lost/Stolen/Damaged Radio and Cellular Telephone Equipment and Accessories”, shall be followed.

Custody personnel who work outside units or special events, or who participate in other assignments (such as a patrol ride-along) which require the use of a Department radio, may use their issued radio for those assignments.

Personnel who are transferring to an assignment outside Custody Division (courts, patrol, etc.) shall return their issued radio to their assigned unit.