3-01/110.05 Transfers - Deputy Personnel

Intra-Division Transfer

The staffing needs of Custody Division are the first priority in the assignment of personnel. The following policies will serve as guidelines which will be followed to the extent manpower requirements permit. Exception to the provisions of this policy may be granted by the Chief of Custody Division based on Division needs.

Transfer Request Guidelines

Under normal circumstances, Deputy personnel shall satisfactorily complete a minimum of one year at their current assignment before they are eligible to submit an intra-division transfer request.

Intra-division transfer requests shall be submitted to Custody Division Headquarters on the Personnel Transfer Request form (SH-AD-166).

Custody Division Headquarters shall forward the original Personnel Transfer Request form to the requested unit for review. Upon approval/disapproval, the requested unit shall forward the original request to the Division Chief for final review.

The following guidelines apply to all intra-division transfer requests:

  • Members on probation may be required to serve the remainder of their probationary period at their first unit of assignment. Exceptions may be made by their unit commander for the good of the Department,
  • Requests which specify a particular shift or regular day off (RDO) will not be approved,
  • The seniority list for intra-division transfers will become effective as openings occur within the respective facilities, and at the discretion of the unit commanders involved,
  • Every attempt will be made to honor the deputy's first choice; however, if that cannot be accomplished, he may be transferred to his second or third choice,
  • Intra-division transfer requests shall not affect the deputy's mandated transfer request for patrol station choices.

Intra-Division Transfer of Supervising Line Deputy (PSN 475)

Personnel holding the rank of Supervising Line Deputy, Protective Service Number (PSN) 475, may submit an intra-division transfer. A Transfer Preference List composed of personnel currently assigned to the Coveted Position of Supervising Line Deputy (PSN 475) and who have submitted an approved intra-division transfer request, shall be promulgated twice a year by Custody Division Headquarters Personnel, in January and July.

Transfer requests may be submitted to Custody Division Headquarters Personnel at any time; however, the Transfer Preference List will only be updated twice a year, in January and July.

The Transfer Preference List shall be canvassed each time before a Deputy break-up occurs, and/or before an appointment from the above listed Coveted Positions occurs, and the following policy shall apply:

  • The order of deputies on the Transfer Preference List shall be based upon Department verified superior time in grade in a Coveted Position, i.e. continuous service time in the same and currently held Coveted Position,
  • A minimum of one year shall be served at the new assignment before the transfer request will be considered,
  • Coveted Position vacancies not filled by incumbent transfers shall be filled through the new appointment of a candidate from the Department's existing centralized rank ordered Coveted Position lists.

Exceptions to the provisions of this policy may be granted by the Undersheriff, based on Department needs.

Notice of Personnel Transfers

It shall be the responsibility of each unit commander to ensure that proper notification is made to Custody Division Headquarters of the transfer or loan of all personnel under his command. This includes both incoming and outgoing personnel.

This notice shall be made on the standard SH-AD-32A form, and shall be forwarded to Custody Division Headquarters within five days of any personnel movement.

The notification to Sheriff's Personnel Bureau of all intra-division movement shall be the responsibility of Custody Division Headquarters.