Due to a high level of proficiency through training and consistency of cell extractions must be completed by the Custody Division’s Inmate Extraction Teams, except immediate extractions required due to life threatening or exigent circumstances.
Immediate Extractions:
In life threatening circumstances, staff shall not wait for a supervisor unless they lack the staff or experience to conduct the extraction. The Branch Supervisor may authorize staff to conduct an immediate extraction when there is a life threatening or exigent circumstance such as: the behavior of an inmate constitutes an immediate and serious threat to the safety of that inmate, staff, or other inmates (e.g. inciting behavior, assaults, and suicide attempts), or to the institution (e.g. controlling disturbances, including the massive destruction of property or jeopardizing institutional security).
Nothing in this policy precludes personnel from entering any confined area to execute the rescue of an inmate in the event of exigent or life-threatening circumstances. However, any such actions by staff must be clearly articulable and the branch supervisor or staff must document the life-threatening or exigent circumstance. Additionally, staff must ensure radio communication of the emergency and that sufficient personnel are present to safely execute the removal.
Inmate extractions are accomplished through directed force in situations where it becomes necessary to remove an inmate who refuses to exit a confined area, including vehicles. A confined area is defined as any cell or area that can be isolated or controlled. The goals of an inmate extraction are to restore order, maintain the security of the facility and safely remove inmates, when necessary, using only the force necessary and reasonable to accomplish the objective. Most extractions are completed through controlled extractions. Immediate extractions shall be videotaped and the video shall be included in the force package.
Controlled Extractions:
Controlled extractions occur in situations where an inmate is in an area that can be isolated or controlled. It does not normally involve an immediate threat to loss of life, substantial loss of property, or institutional security. Controlled extractions may only be authorized by the Area Lieutenant.
The Unit Commander shall be notified of all controlled extractions prior to the commencement of the extraction. This notification shall be documented in the Watch Commander’s Incident Analysis/Overview by the extraction team’s supervision. In the event the Unit Commander is not available, the inmate extraction may proceed at the Area Lieutenant’s discretion and the attempt to notify the Unit Commander shall be documented as noted above.
When simple instructions and requests fail to cause an inmate to exit the confined area, a supervisor, at the rank of sergeant or above, shall be notified. If the sergeant is unsuccessful in gaining the inmate's cooperation the area lieutenant will be notified. If the area lieutenant is also unsuccessful in gaining the inmate’s cooperation, then mental health and clergy intervention shall be called in, and the court’s lockup shall start the Watch Commander’s Extraction Check List on CSDNet.
Mental Health /Clergy Intervention:
An extraction shall not be accomplished without the physical presence of medical personnel (the local paramedics to the facility calling for the extraction) in all but life threatening or exigent circumstances. In addition, in all but emergency situations, a mental health professional and a member of the clergy shall be summoned to the scene. The Mental Health Evaluation Team (MET) shall be requested by contacting (626) 258-3002, to request response to a court. If no one is at the number listed, a member of the Mental Evaluation Team (MET) can also be requested through Sheriff Communication Center (SCC). The clergy can be requested by contacting the Inmate Reception Center (IRC) Watch Commander or Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau (SHB). The mental health professional and the clergy shall make a reasonable attempt, absent dangerous or life threatening circumstances, to gain voluntary cooperation prior to extracting the inmate. If attempts by mental health professionals and clergy fail to elicit cooperation from the inmate, the Area Lieutenant may order negotiations to cease and initiate a tactical response to conclude the incident.
If a local paramedics or mental health staff member requests that an extraction be conducted for medical or psychiatric purposes and the clinician determines that the inmate's medical/mental health needs preclude any waiting or cool-down period, that individual shall personally direct the request to the area lieutenant, who shall be onscene. Requests shall include information regarding the inmate's clinical history and condition and shall be completely documented.
Once it has been determined that a controlled extraction is necessary because all other measures have been exhausted, the IRC Watch Commander will be notified and an extraction team will be dispatched to the court. In keeping with the principles of the Department’s force prevention policy, the inmate shall be afforded the opportunity to comply with instructions and exit voluntarily prior to implementing such measures. If the inmate exits the confined area as the result of verbal commands only, it is not considered an inmate extraction. In no case shall any of these measures be used to punish an inmate for refusing to comply. However, if the inmate does not comply the extraction will take place.