1-02/030.00 Facility Closing Security Checks

The Unit Commander is responsible for ensuring each Branch Supervisor prepare a written procedure directing personnel to physically conduct a security closing inspection of their facility at the end of each court day upon closure, and to create a ‘Security Check’ form that identifies all locations to be searched. Branch Supervisors shall only designate authorized personnel, who have been appropriately trained, to conduct the closing inspection and complete the ‘Security Check’ form for their facility. The training and monitoring of all certified personnel shall be documented and maintained for inspection purposes.

The inspection shall identify all public and lockup areas to be cleared. All non-employee patrons and in-custody inmates shall be cleared from the facility before certifying an inspection has been completed. If a County agency is conducting business with a non-employee patron, that agency shall be notified that the Sheriff will note their interest in continuing business if desired, and advise the County agency that they are obligated to escort the patron out of the building upon conclusion.

The ‘Security Check’ form shall specify the task of physically checking every cell, courtroom, hallway, elevator, stairwell, restroom, office and any other area that an unauthorized person may possibly remain. In addition to all locations inspected, the authorized employee conducting the inspection and his/her time of inspection shall be included on the form.

Supervisors will ensure line personnel physically clear their areas of responsibility each day before the Sheriff’s area of the courthouse is closed. Line personnel shall ensure all inmates are transported or released; their courtrooms are clear of all visitors and locked; all doors are locked or unlocked as appropriate; any safety hazards are identified and addressed; and ensure all areas are cleared of potential contraband or weapons.

After completing the ‘Security Check’ form, it shall be submitted, that evening, to the on-duty Branch Supervisor. The supervisor shall inspect and approve the ‘Security Check’ form prior to leaving the building, confirming all areas of the courthouse have been properly inspected.

In addition to approving the ‘Security Check’ form, supervisors shall regularly personally monitor their subordinate’s compliance with these procedures to ensure they are aware of their responsibilities and perform the closing inspections accurately. A supervisor’s failure to appropriately train, direct and regularly monitor their subordinate’s compliance may result in discipline.

The facility closing security check procedure is mandatory. All forms shall be retained at the facility for a period of one year.